Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Dwarf Who Grew Into A Giant : A Story of Overcoming Physical Hazards..

The Dwarf Who Grew Into A Giant : A Story of Overcoming Physical Hazards..

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 at 7:42pm

This is the story of a man whose height is only 18 inches, but his stature is higher than a giant. Dhanji bhai Lalji bhai is from Bhuj, the city of north Gujarat, which faced a devastating earthquake few years back. When Dhanji was born his bones did not developed properly so his height did not grew. His parents sold of their property to match his medical expenses.But nothing could get the boy taller than 18 inches.

Dhanji had a difficult childhood. His classmates and the other chidlren in school teased him for being short. He was the fifth child of his parents and all his elder brothers were healthy got substantial education. Dhanji had to discontinue his education after Grade 10 due to unbearable torture he had to undergo in his school. Now he was workless.

 As years passed, one after another brother got married picked up a job and settled seperately with his own wife and children, leaving the aged parents alone with Dhanji. Finally the days of financial penury casted upon the old parents. It was then , Dhanji the shorty decided to do something. Should I beg standing outside a temple or should I work? If I worked how much can I earn ?

Then Dhanji decided not to take up begging or a job but do something of his own. he learnt the repairing of motor bikes. He continued in it one after another bike started getting admitted into his clinic and came out repaired. Dhanji started becoming famous. Then he turned to repairing refregerator, airconditioners and other electrical machines. Once he wanted to expand his garage so he asked some loan from his brothers but they refused. yet Dhanji persistedin running his garage onhis own and even today he looks after his old parents. It has been now twenty years that Dhanji the short man has grown into a giant. The city respects him, the parents love him and I and you should take some lessons from him.

  How many of us can carry on looking after our old parents in a respectable manner? This man with a handicapped height and no skills had a mission. To serve his old parents. So he alooked around for a skill and he got it and he developed it. He wanted to be grateful to his parents for bringing him up inspite of his short height. They were not ashamed of him so he serves them in their old age. He pleased his parents when his brothers deserted them.

We have a mission, biggeer than that. We have to please Allah. We have to be grateful to Him for giving us many things we cannot even list. Dhanji worked hard to serve his parents and we have to wrok hard to serve Allah and that includes serving parents. If we are helpful to our parents other needy people then we are pleasing Allah and thanking HIm. Will you begin now?

Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala writes and speaks on Islam and Muslims. He can be reached at

Taken From

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