Monday, January 9, 2012

Virtues of Abu Bakr in Shia books.

Virtues of Abu Bakr in Shia books:

*After Khadijah [R.A], the first one to embrace Islam was Abu Bakr [R.A].
[Tafsir Majma Al Bayan, 5/113]

*Ali [R.A] said: Caliph (of Rasulullah [S.A.W.W]) Abu Bakr [R.A], was the best of in Islam and was the most well-wisher and faithful to Allah and His Messenger. And his Caliph, Caliph Umar Farooq [R.A] was also like the same (as you understood). I swear by my age, that their status in Islam was such a great. And their death caused Islam, a severe shock. May Allah have mercy upon (both of) them, and give them the best reward for their good deeds.
[Sharh Nahj Al Balagha, Ibne Maithum Al Bahrani, 31/486]

*Family origin of Hadhrat Jafar Al Sadiq [R.H]:
  1. Abu Bakr [R.A] is (from) my grand-father, do someone (likes to) abuse his forefathers?May Allah not give me any respect if I not accept the dignity and respect of Abu Bakr[R.A]. [Ihqaq Al Haq, pg 7]
  2. I'm included in the lineage of Abu Bakr [R.A] by two ways. [Ihqaq Al Haq, pg 7]

 *When Rasulullah [S.A.W.W] (and Abu Bakr [R.A]) was in the cave, He (Prophet) said to Abu Bakr: (as if) I am seeing Jafar Tayyar and the boat of his mates (traveling to Habsha). Abu Bakr asked: Are You seeing them? Prophet replied: Yes. Abu Bakr said: make me see that too. So the Prophet swiped His hand on Abu Bakr's eyes, and Abu Bakr seen them. So He (Prophet) said to Abu Bakr: You are Siddiq.
[Tafsir Al Qummi, Al Taubah, verse 40]

* Incident of Cave Thar
The son of Abu Bakr [R.A] use to come daily in the evening, and would deliver (them) water and food. Prophet [S.A.W.W] said to the son of Abu Bakr: You are just like your father, pure and sincere.
[Ghazwat Haideri (Urdu), pg 66]

 *The one who came with the truth is Prophet Muhammad [S.A.W.W]. And the one who testified it, is Abu Bakr [R.A].
[Tafsir Majma Al Bayan, 4/498]

 *Prophet [S.A.W.W] always use to say in the company of Sahabah, that: the virtue and status of Abu Bakr is not due to offering Salat and Fasting, but it is due to his hearteous believing and sincerity.
[Majalis Al Mumineen (Persian), pg 88]

 *Imam Taqi said: I am not a denier of Umar [R.A]'s status (virtues), but Abu Bakr [R.A] is (more) virtuous than Umar [R.A].
[Ehtijaj Al Tibrisi, pg 250]

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