Wednesday, November 23, 2011

When Thorns Prick Their Own Flowers : The Betrayel by Medical Frauds

When Thorns Prick Their Own Flowers : The Betrayel by Medical Frauds
by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 5:18pm

    When you are sick your health is suppose to be repaired by the most noble Professionals, Medical Doctors. When you buy a medicine you are buying to regain your health. But what happens when you receive news that there are fake medicines of branded companies and are sold in many places? You fell betrayed. After all thorns are suppsoed to protect the flowers from being plucked. But what happens if the thorns start pricking its own flowers?

     Our Doctors and our Medicine manufacturers are our thorns. They are suppose to save us from being plucked by some diseases. I happened to be a prestigious Hospital of Mumbai, where they had placed a warning in its corridor. There are 5000 fake Drug companies!!! This attention drawing excercise drew me to do a little research on fake medicine and other frauds in medical industry.

   Estimates vary on the number of these drugs made in India. The Indian government says 0.4 percent of the country's drugs are counterfeit and that substandard drugs account for about 8 percent. But independent estimates range from 12 to 25 percent. Experts say the global fake-drug industry, worth about $90 billion, causes the deaths of almost 1 million people a year and is contributing to a rise in drug resistance. WASHINGTON POST 11 Sept 2010..Rama Lakhsmi

   India Today 3 Nov.  2011 reported..They did a sting operation in Meerut and approached a local doctor and bribed him to sell fake medicines. ****Link****

 Even Medical Insurance seems to become almost unannounced compulsion. If you dont have a medical insurance then dare you get sick. Medical insurance has made medical expenses very dear. Keep aside the poor class, even the higher middle class will also find it hard to bear the expenses of sonography,  X-rays, consulting fees, multiple blood reports.....So people now look at some one else to pay their expenses. Enter the Insurance companies. Their advertisment is very alluring, the calculations on the paper is very lucrative...Just pay a little amount and your entire medical expenditure will be covered by the insurance company. 

    NO wonder we see a lot of banks have also jumped into  this business of treating people by scissoring their accounts. Unless they earn a huge profit they will not start an insurance company. No one questions these insurance companies as to what are their sources of income? On what bases do they boast of providing such a huge amount of medical expenditure. No one questions the reasons for fattest salary offered by these companies to their managers and other HODs. How will those people who cannot even afford to buy a medical insurance package afford to meet a sickness? It will be a foolish fantasy to desire a sickless society...wont it?

 I spoke to a doctor friend regarding this and he sighed "What can we do? It is also very expensive to be a doctor these days !" I shot back " Did you pay capitation fees to become a doctor?" He replied  in affirmative. "So you have to get your money back with returns. " That is why perhaps many doctors do not mind being hands in gloves with some insurance companies too. And this has de graded the status of doctors in the society. From "Doctor Saab" to doctor..From saving the lives of lot of people now  a large number of them are just busy in prescribing cough and cold syrups...

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational problems from Islamic Perspective. He can be reached

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Lessons in Islamic Finance from the Story of Prophet Shuaib a.s. and His People...

Lessons in Islamic Finance from the Story of Prophet Shuaib a.s. and His People...

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 10:20pm
The People of Shuaib a.s. are the only one upon whom there were three types of Punishments. The rest of the destroyed nations perished through one punishment. Noah's people were drowned by flood and so was Pharaoh. The people of Lut a.s. were showered a rain of brimstone,  for the people of Thamud a mighty earthquake was enough.....But there were three azab for the peopleof Midyan, a mighty earthquake (Surah al Ar'af ch 7, verse 91), a huge scream  or  a mighty blast (Surah Hud ch 11 verse 94), and the  third, as per their challenge that  "if Shuaib a.s. was truthful then let a fragment of sky fall upon us" and Allah fulfilled their desire (Surah as Shura ch 26 verse 188-189)

  The sins of the perished nations are described in the same places of the Qur'an where their crimes are mentioned. The people of Shuaib a.s. were dishonest business men and alllso looted people on the highways. They did not give full measure and caused losses to others by fraud, says 181th verse of Surah as Shura. The allegations further says that they did not weigh with even scales and cheated people. 

Financial frauds are a big burden on the society where all the sections get effected. Even today Banks are declaring themselves bankrupts and so do multinational companies. The Airlines, The Banks, The Automobile GM all have lost billion dollars of American taxpayers in last half decade. Shamelessly these companies even demanded governments to bail them out again from the tax payers money ! 

How many Americans remember the great fraud of Enron and how many senior citizens lost their capital and savings? Shareholders lost nearly $11 billion when Enron's stock price, which hit a high of US$90 per share in mid-2000, plummeted to less than $1 by the end of November 2001.Books after books are being published exposing white collar legal robberies around the world.

India topping the list with almost $1500 Billion black money in Swiss Banks. In humour some one once remarked : The capital of Pakistan has always been in Washington but  the captial of India has being shifted from New Delhi to Swiss Banks! In Mumbai financial circle they say : The more number of times you have declared  bankruptcy. the bigger man you are..(because you have not loss the money but eaten up legally).

 The people of Shuaib robbed people, the people of capitalism also rob people but legally, with the help of local laws. The people of Shuaib robbed on highways, the people of Capitalism rob every where from Government offices to Toll centers and also in educational Institutes. The mediclaim has given a license to  many doctors to rob people medically. There are no statistics available on mediclaim but the common man surely finds himself shelling out more money in various unwanted tests.

 No wonder the punishment of Allah is due upon the financial frauders.. as Surah Takasur says : Woe to every slanderer and back biter who amasses wealth and keeps  on counting it . He thinks that his wealth will be for ever?

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

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Submitting to Ideologies Blindly ...Are you an Intellectual slave?

Submitting to Ideologies Blindly ...Are you an Intellectual slave?

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Friday, October 7, 2011 at 8:52pm

 Intelligence and slavery do not go together. An intelligent is not the one who is getting high grades but it is the one who can examine, reason and then decide correctly.Our entire schooling has been teaching us to reason. Go back to your school days and recall your History lesssons.. give reason why did world war II take place? Why was the UN formed ?.. give reasons... reasons... Open your science text book and examine.. Why does the apple fall down and does not go up.. explain with reasons how does the steam engine work ?....... See your English text book.. Why did Romeo love Juliet ?.... why why why ....The entire ten years of schooling passes in learning to reason but rarely do we find our selves using that reasoning skills in our day to day lives !

 When people stop reasoning, their intelligence get stagnant.  When you let other people to decide on your behalf, when you go blindly following the general trend without cross examining then you have given your self into slavery in a different manner.  Intellectual slavery is not a new brand of slavery in the market, but it always existed in human soceity. In every age it  had a large numbers of slaves addicted to it. Pharoah made people into slaves.. A community like  Bani Israel which is considered to be highly intellgent even today was totally enslaved by Pharoah for centuries. 

  Today this new type of slavery in in the market.. "The Ideological slaves" is what many educated people are turning into. It was this ideology that swept across the Russia in the form of Marxism.. and people in order to get rid of Czarism jumped in Communism. In the initial years of communism nobody believed that communismis harmful but they took unanimously as their saviour. Ideological slavery is promoted by writers, thinkers philosophers and politicans. It can whip up frnzy hatred towards a community or a race like Hitler's Mein Kempf or it can over turn many social norms and turn bad into good and good into bad  e.g. Gayism and Lesbianism are taken as sexual liberty and abortions are taken up as  personal choice..

   When all of a sudden the entire society gets swayed by an ideology nobody dares to challenges it andif any one challenges it, he is looked down upon. This is excatly how people and nations are taken up to slavery and they are willingly giving up themselves to these intellectual slavery thinking it to be a good trend..As the Qur'an points out in the 36 th verse of Surah Yunus.. and a majority of them follow nothing but fancy and fancy can avail nothing against truth.... This is why Qur'anis a wise book...It protects us from being an intellectual slave...

 Author : Nisaar nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational topics. He can be reached at

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Will You still Wait at the Gates of Islam? Or Just Enter it...

Will You still Wait at the Gates of Islam? Or Just Enter it...

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Sunday, October 9, 2011 at 8:06pm

   Among the companions of the Prophet a.s. Abu Bakr r.a.  was given the glad tidings that he will be given the priviledge to enter the paradise from which ever  gate he wants to enter from..But for women ? It is an open opportunity for every Muslim women. Sahih Ibn Hateem... If a woman prays five times and fasts in Ramadhaan and obeys her husband then she can enterinto paradise from which ever gate she wants to... Its Islam that welcomes women in such a grand manner.

   A father works and labours for  eight hours a day to feed his children,yet his labour till his date of retirement cannot match the labour pain the mother undergoes just during the child birth. And the Qur'an acknowledges this status : In pain did his mother bear him and in pain did she give him birth.. A religion that commands a Prophet of the stature of Jesus a.s. that he should be kind to his mother.. Surah Maryam ch 19 , verse 32... Only Islam

  The most pleasant face for a man is the cheerful face of his wife that cheers him up and the Prophet guarnteed such women too a lofty palace in paradise. There can be no better encouraging words for a woman than easy ways to Jannah.

 If you want to be near to the Prophet a.s. in paradise then upbring two or more daughters in a nice manner.. kind and compassionately. 

  A religion that commands death penalty to a rapist and does not allow affair of any kind outside marriage.To Protect the honour and the Modesty of women... 

 The Only Religion that loosens  financial shackles from a woman's neck  and places them on  her father, her brother, her husband and her son by declaring in only o ne sentence : Ar rijaalu qawwamun al'anisaa'.Men are protectors and maintainers of women. A financial protection in every stage of her life from brith to death. Only Islam.

 A religion whose main Preacher, the Prophet of Mercy a.s. himself warning his followers : I caution you about the rights of your women...... Only Islam

 The only Religion that proclaims..The best among you are those who are best to their wives and children...

 A Book that  warns of a sever punishment to those who slander innocent chaste women, thus  protecting them from being topics of gossips. The Qur'an

  Inspite of this honoured priviledge how long will you still wait to enter into Islam ? There are not gates to enter Islam, my sister, Just walk in...

Author Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational topics from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

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From Whom Will you learn Religion ? AweSome Speakers or Humble Scholars ?

From Whom Will you learn Religion ? AweSome Speakers or Humble Scholars ?

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Monday, October 10, 2011 at 9:28am
    One of my teacher of Mathematics was Mr. Patel and he was not fluent in speaking but those who wanted to learn Maths, knew that his teachings were worth learning. So  they attended it and never minded his broken English mixed up with local Indian accent. Whether it is  Maths or Religion, the rules of choosing your teacher and source of Knowledge  remains the same. Learn from the one who knows. How right was Ibn Abbas when he announced before his students : Be careful from whom you take your deen because you akhera is associated with it.

   Many Face Book readers have adopted a trend of choosing to learn from people who  speak excellent English, " O ! he is an  awesome speaker !" Some of the speakers are awesome scholars but many are not. Nauman Ali khan once said " I am not a scholar but a daee, and the difference between a scholar and a da'ee is that a da'ee knows essential deen but for indepth learning he directs you to a scholar.  All scholars are da'ees but all da'ees may not be scholars " .. I agree with Brother Noman on this issue. In Islam, authenticity has always been on the top of priority list when it came  in choosing a book or a scholar, now you may add websites, pages on face books and Youtube links. The problem arises when some awe some  speakers ,who are d'ees, are manisfested as big scholars, infact larger than their sizes and the real scholars are ignored.  Some of these awesome speakers do not mind theliime light. While some are humble enough to accept and declare the level of their Knowledge. Yet many of their followers refuse to accept it.

    Some one once asked Abdul Raheem Green in a small gathering of Peace Conference Chennai few years back " what is the identification of a scholar? " There can be many answers from different perspective, but I liked Green's answer. " When other experts and scholars of the same field acknowledge your scholarly work then you are a scholar.."

    Today some readers use number of  "like" clicks to  decide a scholar by themselves  or some use language excellence as a parameter.. Infact media exposure and usage is trying to change our parameters in finding out  good scholars.  Good and authentic scholars who speak simple language are looked upon as boring.  Some readers take Religion from an aggressive perspective... They are fond of articles, links and stories about jihad.. nothing less can impress them. Their entire  deen revolves aroung accusing Muslim governments and are  fond of reading such types of notes only. Some go aggresive in sectarianism related notes and talks and links.  No islah related topic can satisfy their appitite . They just want to  know, hear and read about sects. The rest of the knowledge that is esssential for their tarbiyah does not interest them. Remember : Arrogance and Taqwa dont go together...

  Moderate scholars the "ulol Albab " are not like that, nor do they teach in that manner,rather they teach creed, and along with it they also teach how to be a  good Muslim as well. They dont just propose hadith out of context or explain the hadith or Qur'an as per their own whimses... Establishing deen is via establishing tauheed. So be careful from whom you take your deen. Ibn Abbas still stands correct when he says be careful..... dont get excited or carried away emotionally. We have already lost many Sahaba and Tabeein to the sword of the kharjis. These kharjis  went  in understanding Qur'an as per their own understanding and a time came when they declared that even speaking lie will let you be in the jahannam for ever!

  So from whom will you take your Deen? Ofcourse mainstream, authentic and scholars... Right ?

 O Our Lord !Let not our hearts deviate after you have guided us.... Surah Imran verse 8

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala writes on Islam and Muslims.. He can be reached at

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Post titleThe Roles and Responsibilities of The Dawah Centers..

The Roles and Responsibilities of The Dawah Centers..

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 12:41pm

    Igatpuri is a small town with few hundred Muslim families. It is in the deep interrior of main road, kie an alienated place. There is a huge Masjid in the town and a little away there is also a small dawah center  one tenth of the Masjid's size,which is  run by educated young Muslims who are inspired by their da'wah counterparts acroos the globe. When I visited Madrid a few years back I attended Jumuah salah in a Masjid cum dawah center. It was a huge complex built by the Saudis and attached with a dawah center and I was told that a few hundred Sapnish had embraced Islam in a couple of years. 

   Whether it is a small town of Igatpuri or an Internatinal city of Madrid, Da'wah centers makes its presence felt. The job that was supposed to be done by the Masjid, its Imams and the trustees, is now being taken over by small dawah centers with a computer, shelf stuffed with books and booklets, dvd sets of prominent speakers and free literature.  Dawah centers are buzzing with activites and welcoming visitors. 

 Dawah centre is a muti purpose activity center. It is not an idle place that one just places books and Dvds on Islam and waits for Non Muslims to visit . Rather it buzzes with activites that helps the society. Infact in many cities, Da'wah centers also work as a community center offering social services as well. It is a learning center as wel information about Islam center. It is for the Non Muslims as well as Muslims. 

       For those who run small or medium sized dawah centers or for those who would like to initiate Islamic activities in their Dawah centers or locality let me brief them a few guidelines and  share with them inspirational activities. 

1. Hold workshops and seminars on social issues too. E.g. Personal Hygenie, Matrimonial Happiness, How to give a burial bath to a dead body..etc. You may invite some specialist to do it.

2. Hold counselling centers for disputing couples and appoint a local senior person and his wife to do the job.

3.Hold Islamic Elocution competition for students.. (sperate for girls and boys)

4. Orgnise Interfaith Dialogues if you have prominent da'ees.

5. Offer Training for those who would like to be volunteers  and enhance their skills. You may invite a corporate trainer to train Time management or Marketing an event etc..

6. Besides all these of course.. darse Qur'an, darse Hadith, Arabic language course..


8.... 9...10.... 100...

Now add your own ideas asper the need of your locality. Local dawah isone the finest activity to improve community status...

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala. speaks and writes on socio-educional issues from Islamic perspective..He can be reached at 

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The Importance of Having Responsible Religious Scholars....

The Importance of Having Responsible Religious Scholars....
by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 6:09pm

      When Umar bin Khattab sent his army to Egypt he sent a large number of Religious scholars too. So when the Muslims won Egypt they built 1200 Masjid not just for prayers but to teach deen. On the other hand the Muslims armies that came to India were political Kings who wanted to extend their rule so they came minus scholars and some even took help of deviated Muslims as well.Even  Akbar did not have any religious scholar in his court. Al Azhar university is in its thousandth year with flowing out hundreds of schoalrs in deen and Arabic language though Arabic was not their mother tongue when the Muslim reached Egypt. The  vacuum of religious scholars in the Muslim administration of Moghuls and other Muslim Kings lead to the merging of authentic Islam and concocted and fabricated stories that corrupted creed of millions  and it still remains in the ritual and the  traditions of Muslims in Indian subcontinent. 

 Go through this Quranic verse  from Surah Imran verse 146.. How Many Rasools fought in the way of Allah and along with them 'Rabbaniyoon'  ....Rabbaniyoon refers to religious scholars. This shows that right from the early times the Muslim armies had religious scholars among them who  not only fought but also taught religion.  One of the biggest advantage of having authentic religious scholars in the Muslim army is that they discipline them  and stop them from committing atrocities upon the defeated army or the captured enemies.  Dealing humanly with war captives is a tradition of  Islam.  Fighting within Islamic ethics is a part of shariah. 

   Even in today's time one can ask a question to the 55 Muslim nations , : How many Religious scholars do you have to maintain Islamic values and ethics during your wars and also Administration?  

    Ibn Taymiya a religious scholar of his time,who was also a teacher of noted scholars like Ibn Kathir, Ibn Jauzi... tarried out tirelessly against the Mongol invasion. He traveled to the Muslim countries and convinced a lot of rulers to muster Islamic armies against the Mongols. The result was superb. The Mongols were not only overpowered but within a generation they also submitted to Islam, the only case in the history I know of when an entire  invading army accepted the religion of the local population as a  whole. These Mongols later fought against the invading crusaders and drew them out of the Arab penesula. Saudi got rid of corrupt creed when the Warrior class assisted the religious scholars. Mohammed bin Wahab's momentum of reviving correct creed among the masses emerged dominant and it grows stronger even today.

Take another example, of counselling in matrimonial issues between a fighting couple. A person who knows the shariah and has read indepth of tarbiyah lessons will give a more practical advice than a pyshcologist 

   The Muslim governments should also include Shariah in Islamic syllabus even in schools to create a mass awarness and appoint reilgious scholars in administration at all level and  judiciary because their presence will help weed out corruption. The Muslim history tells us that every time some one creeped a corrupt creed, it was challenged by authentic scholars. Khalifa Harun Rashid was posed a question " what can be done about those thousands of fabricated Hadith in the name of the prophet  which are inserted in the minds and the tongues of the people ? He  replied without hesitation : Allah will raise up scholars like Abdullah ibn Mubarak who will weed out Farbicated hadith. 

 Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala writes and speaks on the socio-educational issues form Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

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The Rocks of Hell that Roll Up Your Life: The Dangers of Rock Music

The Rocks of Hell that Roll Up Your Life: The Dangers of Rock Music

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 5:50pm

  Rudy Lewis famous musician/singer of 1960, died of drug over dose. Brian Jones was a heavy drinker and took drug pills. He was found dead at the botton of a swimming pool. Jimmy Hendrix, voted as the greates guitarist by the Rolling stone, died of drug complications. He took dangerous combinations alcohol and barbiturates. Janis Joplin also died due to an overdose of heroin. Jim Lorrison was alegend drunkard and a druggist. He lived through it and died through it. Peter Ham committed suicide.....The latest to join was Amy Winehouse, in 2011, who  also admitted to using hard drugs such as crack cocaine and heroin.

   The most common factor in the above mentioned deaths, besides over using drugs and alcohol, was their age. Almost all of them died when they were around 27 years, and in the midst of fame and richness. They were perhaps the biggest names in their Music world.

Dr. David Elkind noted in his book The Hurried Child , one of the most underestimated influences on young people today is the music industry.As Dr. Alan Bloom noted in his best-selling book The Closing of the American Mind, "Nothing is more singular about this generation than its addiction to music."

   And it's no wonder. Young people wake up to it, drive to it, play to it, study to it, and go to sleep to it. Studies show that between the 7th and 12th grades, the average teenager will listen to and watch 11,000 hours of rock music and rock videos - more than twice the time they will spend in class.

  The Greek philosopher,  Plato, said, "When modes of music change the fundamental laws of the state change with them." (Plato the Republic Book 3)

Lenin, the co -founder of Communism, said " One quick way to destroy a society is through music..

( The Marxist Minstrels: A Handbook on Communist Subversion of Music, American Christian College Press, 1974)

  Rock's greatest genius, Jimi Hendrix, told Life magazine in 1969, "I can explain everything better though music. You hypnotize people to where they go right back to their natural state, and when you get people at their weakest point, you can preach into their subconscious what we want to say."

  And they really preach.You can glamourise anything through Music,even worst and unimaginable crime. An Mtv album once showed a fantasised raped, a violent rape was glamourised in a deceptive way alluring young girls to undergo date rapes. Three decades back a Musical hit in Bolly wood "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" glamourised drug addiction with soothing songs and vibrant music.

   Normally sex and drugs are directly corrospondence to Music and Muscians.It incites your passion. Many  Bollywood songs have kufr in their lyrics if you read them properly. One of the most famous song os Amer Akbar Anthony.. parda hey parda hey... the singer challenges to his girlfriend that he will make un unhijabi...!

   Rasullullah s.a.w.has rightly banned musical instruments when he said, " String and Wind instruments are weapons of Shaytan.....Are you still fond of Music and want to get rid of it desperately?  Note this Qur'anic verse from surah Naml ch 27 verse 11 : But if any one does wrong and substitutes with good in the place of evil, then truely I am oft Forgiving and Most Merciful.... In other words... If you want to get out of Music craze substitute it with a fondness of Qur'anic recitation. Listen to the best Qaris of the world and pray to Alllah and see the difference InshAllah....

  Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational topics form Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

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Drumbeats of War : Are You Hearing Them?

Drumbeats of War : Are You Hearing Them?

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Friday, October 14, 2011 at 4:02pm

   One of the most common prophecy in  world's religious scripture is about a GREAT WAR... The Bible calls it the Battle of Armageddon.. The Hadith calls it  " Ummul Harb.." The Mother of all the Wars...We are told that in this war a large number of people will be killed. If Qiyamah is near then this war is also near. The drumbeats are heard in the boastful muscle flexings by various nations, groups, religious sects ......Let us have a look at the world scenario.

   Citizens all around the globe are standing up aloud in a rebellious mode, against their own governments in the streets of Cairo, Tripoli, Sana, Damascus,and the virus spreads to London and now Wall Street  New York too...The issue is inflations, price raise and jobs...Even a nation like Israel had 20 million people on the streets of Teleaviv!

  In many corners of the world, Religious Campaigning has replaced Imperialism.  In Middle East and Far East, Nations are already against nations, the issues are boundary disputes and sectarian supremacy. The latest riots in Egypt between the coptic Christians and Arabs is an indication of a division of Egypt on Religious line. Remember that it happened in Indonesia's East Trimor. A partition of a country on the bases of Religion. A slice like cake piece was cut down from Indonesia and a Christian nation was born.. same thing  can happen in Egypt.

    The sects are rolling up sleeves against their opponents turning into more fiery. The issues are, untolerable views and differences.. Infact from Lebnon to Islamabad there is a string of Shia Heads of States and blowing up of civilians is getting more common in this region. Let us hope that a full fledge war doesnt flare up between the Shias and Arabs.

   In every major city of the world killing and murders are spreading and being reduced to corner news. The issue is greed for wealth.

  Citizens, Politicians, Religious scholars and armies are getting more aggresive than before. Intolerance is all time high and people are getting more impatient.

  The Dollar-Euro clash can any time turn into a military clash. With Europe turning into a Revival of Roman empire (Read Roman Catholism ) and US alleged to be a Christian country ruled by Zionists, insecurity is growing faster. Dont tell me that Christians dont fight will Christians. After all both the world wars were fought between the Christian Nations

 On the Relgious front, the ban on Burkha and  minarets reflects more political and legal attacks on Islam .It looks like it is Islam vs Democracy, Islam vs Secularism, Islam vs Capitalism, Islam vs West...It maybe the clash of civilisations or clash of currencies, or clash of ideologies or clash of greed.. what ever you may title but the outcome is war.

  The Drumbeats are growing louder, it means the war is approaching closer.. are you hearing it? After all it requires only a spark to ignite a furious fire....

  Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala writes and speaks on Islam and Muslims. He can be reached at

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How Grand Should Our Weddings be - I ?

How Grand Should Our Weddings be - I?
by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Sunday, October 16, 2011 at 6:30pm

 Ever since I have written a few notes on Youth , career and marriages, many readers often ask me how much should they spend on their wedding. Some even inquire if it is alright to bow to family pressure if they spend lavishly on the reception (hosted by the bride's father) and umpteen items on the menu of waleema.  What if our parents can afford the lavish reception (again hosted by the bride's father)?

     Well there is no upper limit in the hadith as far as the number of invitees in the waleema  are concerned. One of the son in law of the Prophet was Uthman bin Affan r .a. He married two daughters of the Prophet (pbuh) one after the death of another, and was one of the richest man among the sahaba.  The man who sponsered huge expenditure of one third of the entire Islamic army in one of the battles yet he did not invite the same men in either of his waleema except a handful ! Some thing worth to be noticed. Abdul Rahman bin Auf r.a. did not invite the Prophet (pbuh) in his wedding and the Prophet did not feel bad about it. Many of us may find this very strange because in our times being invited to a wedding has become a status and previledge.

  Our marriages are becoming more complicated. Even a middle class person energetically thinks about the numbers of dishes to serve in his daughter or son's marraige. Preparations begin months ahead. Expenditure behind the preparation itself runs high. " So what ? we can afford it " Comes a common reply. Right. We can afford it.. but if we refer back to the hadith that states that no person will be allowed to move from his place on the day of Qiyamah till he gives the account of where did he spend his money as well. Even if it is your Halal earnings yet it would be required to justify his expenses..

   Now  use this hadith as a parameter..Go through the list of the menu of the Reception. 1, 2, 3...6...10....! Chinese, Italian.. Moghlai... count the variety of salads...Just have a look at the stock of ice cream.. I dont mean to say that having ice cream or distrbuting ice creams is haram but look at the way the Ice creams scream in our marraiges.

   Consider this.. last week there were news about increase in the rates of milk in Mumbai.. the  house wives who objected increase in the rates of milk, the same house wives are fond of buying icereams worth four times the rates of milk. In Mumbai, one litre of milk costs around a dollar ie. 48 INR,  but one kg of  branded ce cream  costs around 200 /INR i.e. 4 Dollars!

The agro MInistry of India say that the ice cream industry is worth 15 billions Rupees in India,  and 40 percent of that ice cream is consumed in the west ern India. From Ahemadabad to Mumbai Ice creams float like foams over sea. In our marraiges ice creams have become a staple food. The rates of ice creams in wedding are quoted higher like the other items in the venue. How many weddings take place in Mumbai every year?   There are no less than 500 wedding Halls in Mumbai alone which cater to higher middle class. How many marraiges take place in these halls every year?  In Mumbai Karachi.. in Lahore... keep counting how many guest push down ice creams into their throats after eating chicken tandooris, biryanis, noodles, seek and shami kebabs....Just one assemble the rest of the expenditure you plan to have in your wedding and think how many days will it  take you to give the accouts to Allah and justify it?

   So how grand should your wedding be? Before you answer to your own self, know that there is no grandeur like simplicity.. See you in your wedding....Assalamualaikum..

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

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The Big Bang Weddings : How Grand Are Our Weddings? Part II

The Big Bang Weddings : How Grand Are Our Weddings? Part II

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Monday, October 17, 2011 at 5:08pm

   Ponder into this Qur'anic verse...Surah Araf ch 7.. verse 157.. The Prophet releases them from their heavy burden and from  yokes..... Nikah that were supposed to be a simple affair has become a yoke on the community. Our weddings are like Big Bang theory. Like the big exploision that blew particles in every direction and went on stretching its space, our big bang weddings  have exploisions that blow our money in all the directions, Haldi- Mehdi, Expensive make ups, Multi cuisine receptions, Wedding coats and Dresses for entire family, lavish invitation cards... the list keeps on stretching like the universe after the Big Bang Theory...

A Muslimah, who is the daughter of a very rich man, was getting married so she insisted that her wedding be simple, and she argued profoundly and courtesly wiht her  mother and it went on for days till she got her point across. Through out her discussion, her argument was simple and straight :Why should my father celebrate my departure in a grand manner?  The parents smiled. The Islamic daughter's insistance saved more than half a million Indian Rupees of her father. Moral of the story ? Most of us give up to the pressure of parents and other elders of the famiy, instead of talking to them with respect and politeness. If we be little firm towards deen our parents will also get inclined in sha allah. 

A few months back a friend of mine invited me to his wedding and waleema. It was more like an event than like a wedding. It was an event in actual term. There was an event manager, staffed with an anchor who was giving a running commentary of  the activites going on there along with jokes and all. I found it strange like a TV reality show. At times it becomes uncomfortable for us to respond at that time. It was then that I was introduced to a new trend in weddings.

People are handing over their wedding management to event planners.

Marriage is a big Industry. A new industry of around $11, growing at 25 percent annually 


    The Indian and Pakistani weddings are famous worldwide. Even the poor want to imitate this grandeur in his own way. Years ago, a young  man,who worked with at my uncle's grocery shop in a small village, was getting married. He asked for a loan of ten thousand rupees in those days. It was ten times of his salary. My uncle explained but in vain.  The young man borrowed money from his relatives and friends and in few years he had to sold of his house to repay his debt. There are  thousands of young Indians and Pakistanis who go out of their way to ceberate their wedding on things which are enjoyed for only few hours. This has promoted even the banks to come out with loans for weddings, as they say in Gujarati.. Where ever ther are greedy people, frauds and cheaters  dont go hungry... 

   The minimum budget for a wedding ceremony is $34,000, say wedding planners, while the upper-middle and rich classes are known to spend upward of $2 million. (The average American wedding costs $26,327.) This doesn’t include cash and valuables given as part of a dowry. Yesterday's Times of India reported that the British Muslims spend a lot on stage decoration and Mehdi ceremony ! With the medhi artists and make up artists chariging around 300 to 500 pounds , weddings are getting expensive globally as average Asian wedding in UK costs around 40 -50 thousand pounds equivalent to 30 laks of Rupees !!

  Two years ago The Time Magazine had pubished an article  The Big Fat Indian Wedding Grows Bigger and Fatter   (,8599,1653427,00.html#ixzz1b1F8xq3Z) showing how much money Indians spend on their wedding. The article did not have any moral or lesson except that it spoke big  and loud about such marraiges. In a lay man's language it glamourised  and encouraged such marraiges.

    A group of Sikh leaders called for a July 28 meeting of representatives from New Delhi’s more than 400 Sikh gurdwaras, or temples, to discuss ways to rein in over-the-top weddings… the Sikh leaders said the deluxe wedding trend puts an unfair burden on brides’ families, who traditionally pay for the parties.

I wait for the day our Masajids also call such meetings and rein our expenditures in weddings.. with no malice towards any one who is getting married in near future.....Mean while 

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic Perspective. He can be reached at

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Why "Protest Against Greed Corporate in US and Europe...?"

Why "Protest Against Greed Corporate in US and Europe...?"

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 8:35pm

   There is a saying in English " All that glitter is not gold..." The gold that appeared on the economy of the west is  being scrubbed off and the false gold is being recognized. Karl Marx's Leninism is in sneaking an entry from the doors of economic crises . At least, is the verdict of publishers and bookshops in Germany who say that his works are flying off the shelves. So if the West takes refuge in Communism it means that they will end up where Russian started in 1917. Communism died earlier than Capiatlism. The striking difference between Capitalism and Communism is.. Communism is dead while Capitalism is killing...

  951 cities of 85 countries have people protesting against corporate greed. The picture on Madrid protest looked like one from Arab spring. The Arabs atleast have a constitution called Qur'an.. what can the west replace capitalism with ?A virus that began from Wall street (share market of US) has reached across the world faster than their best marketing products.  What is Corporate greed ? For a lay man, coporate greed means unlimited and extreme profiting  with no upper limits. It makes people feel richer and make them spend more than they can afford. "Buy Today and Pay Tomorrow " Till now we were made  to believe that where ever corporate world settles it brings job opportunities, investment opportunities and also increases our purchasing capacity. Then how come people call them greedy !

   Entire US, Europe thrive and on products by corporate world, their jobs are in corporate world, they eat food processed by corporate world, their roads and communications are built by coporate. They have flourished through corporate. From daily food to entertainment entire nations are run by the corporate, and now we are told that all of a sudden people are on streets abusing and accusing the same corporate!

. How have these corporate grown so fat with layers of wealth on their tummy? Where do they get money from? Quite simply, the money of people deposited fixed in the banks is utilized as fertilizers for a bumper crop of wealth. Just ask Professor Google what is the salary paid to Bank managers., and it will give u replies in 20 thousand pages and clicks. Infact it is the banking system of investing people’s weath in corporate. Then they pay huge salaries and give lot of holidays to their staff. What is the duty of these staff? what are they paid huge salaries for ? Simple answer.. Their job is to get money out of your pockets ad put them in fixed deposits for few years so that they can loan it to the greedy profiteering corporate. So the society itself is a part of corporate. Can you boycott corporate? No !

   The Only answer is Islamic economic system. But will the West submit? As the qur'an Questions : afala ya'koloon? Do you not have INTELLIGENCE ?  Do they ?

Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vanishing Motherhood : Choosing to Be Childless

Vanishing Motherhood : Choosing to Be Childless

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 6:07pm

Patti Farrant is 67 years old in 2011. She gave birth to her baby in 2006 when she was 62. Most of the British and American women are delaying their motherhood in exchange for career and fun.
The average age of British mothers giving birth is now 31 !  The highest ever. While the number of women waiting until their 40s to have a baby has gone upto 7 per cent in one year and doubled in a decade to more than 22,000 annually.

Read more:

The Daily Telegraph posted an article regarding Motherhood in Britain and they admitted that financial insecurity is one of the reasons for delayed motherhood and more than half of the babies are born out of wedlock ! Jennifer Lopez who had twins at 38 In the mid to late 1950's, the median marriage age for women was 19 in Britain, then it was updated with The National Center for Health Statistics stating that in the 24 years between 1980 and 2004, the number of women giving birth at age 30 has doubled, at age 35, tripled and after age 40 has almost quadrupled. Forty is the new twenty.

Once Italy Greece and Spain were synonymous with fruitful families now they are tied for Europe's lowest birthrate" In Germany, where the childless rate is the highest in the world, at 25 percent, the best sellers lists have been full of tomes forecasting demographic doomsday .The average age of mothers at their first birth is steadily climbing in developed countries-from age 28 in Canada, Italy and France, to 29 in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Japan.

Now many women are regretting for the delay and many will regret after a decade or two and their governments too. Even Putin, The Russian president also declared that Russian population is declining by 7 lac a year ! demographers say that on an average, women must have two kids for a society to replace itself. But it is not so in Europe. The Greek mothers give only 1 .3 children per woman. The Newsweek May 29, 2006, said : By not having children, people are voting against their country's future and their own.

But which are the two Nations who have a large number of children ? The population of children 1-14 years in Saudi is 38 % of its total Population followed by India 31 %. No wonder in a decade when Europe will run short of youth,India and Saudis will be exporting their manpower to run these Nations. After all Allah calls kids as His blessings. Refer to Surah Nahl ch 16 verse 72: And Allah has made for you from yourselves mates and has made for you from your mates sons and grandchildren and has provided for you from the good things. Then in falsehood do they believe and in the favor of Allah they disbelieve?

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective.. He can be reached at

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Reminders and Encouraging Words for the Students of Knowledge

Reminders and Encouraging Words for the Students of Knowledge

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 9:05pm
Once the Prophet a.s. vowed to abstain from his wives for a month. He took a place in the upper chambers and preferred to be there. The wives were tensed and so was Abu Bakr and Umar R.A. They feared that the Prophet may divorce their daughters. But it did not happened. On the 29 th of the month the Prophet A.S climbed down and ended his vow and went to Aisha R.A. of course under a normal circumstance any wife would be over-joyed to receive her husband, but Aisha R.A the student of Fiqh asked him “But the month is of 30 days” (why did you return a day earlier ?) The Prophet a.s. replied and taught his best student a lesson in fiqh..”The months are of 29 or 30 days…” 

   This was the spirit of learning. Even in the midst of a severe crisis a student of knowledge seeks knowledge. One of the qualities of Aisha r.a  that made her the favorite wife of the Prophet a.s. was her spirit in learning deen. When the Qur'anic verse was revealed giving a testimony of her modesty her parents asked her to thank the Prophet a.s. but she said : Why should I thank him? I will thank Allah for revealing verses to give witness in my favour.. The Prophet smiled..sallalahu alaihi wasallam. What a lesson of Touhid from Aisha's reponse! radiallahu anho.

  Religious knowledge is always honored in Islam. Nowhere in the Qur’an you will find Allah addressing O Jews and Christians !, but He addresses  them with a title “ Ya Ahlul Kitab” O People of the Book. In Surah Mujadilah Allah says : Allah will exalt in degree those of you who have believed and  HAVE BEEN GRANTED KNOWLEDGE…  note here that knowledge is granted by Allah. It is bestowed and that is why Allah declares “ Allah grants wisdom whom ever He wishes to ,and He to whom wisdom is granted has been granted good I abundance.. Surah Baqarah ch 2, verse 269.

 All the four khulfa e Rashideen were scholars of fiqh, and so was Ameer Muawiya r.a. and Umar bin Abdul Azeez. No one should under estimate them.

At the time of Ibn al-Mubarak, the khalifa was Haroon al-Rasheed. One day, his mother was on the balcony of the Khalifa's estate and she saw a huge gathering of thousands of people around Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak, she asked who is that man? Someone told her that that is Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak, the faqeeh, and the aalim of Khurasan to which she replied, 'He should be the Khalifah, not my son, my son needs bodyguards to go out in the public, but this man is able to travel and teach in front of thousands.'

We have millions of Hafiz e Qur’an but few are granted with the wisdom of Tafser ul Qur’an. Memorizing Qur’an is one thing and studying is another thing.  Ofcourse memorizing has its own virtues but we are discussing about learning the constitution of Allah.

 Even the Prophets also prayed .. Rabbi zidni ilm.. O Allah increase my knowledge…and the famous supplications of the Prophet a.s. " Allahumma inni as'aluka ilman nafe'aa... O Allah ! I ask from you the knowledge that is beneficial.

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

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Before You Abort Your Child........Why the world needs more children?

Before You Abort Your Child........Why the world needs more children?

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Friday, October 21, 2011 at 9:41pm
   Have you ever studied  the plight of a baby when it is aborted? Your baby's heart begins beating between 18-25 days !  After 11 weeks your baby squints, swallows and can even make a fist . It has fingerprints, and  IT IS SENSITIVE TO HEAR, TOUCH AND NOISE.....Your sweet baby can undergo a terrible pain if  your own womb is turned into a butcher's table for it. It cannot talk but certainly the painful cry means it is calling you for help...not knowing that you have sponsored the butcher to cut it into pieces only to be thrown away in a dustbin or drainage.
There are two types of painful abortions:
1. Partial birth Abortion : A foot or lower leg is located and it is pulled into the vagina. The baby is extracted in breech fashion until the head is just inside the cervix.  With the baby's face-down, scissors are plunged into the baby's head at the nape of the neck and spread open to enlarge the wound. A suction tip is inserted and the baby's brain is removed. The skull collapses and the baby is delivered!

2. Fetus aborted by saline solution : The abortionist injects a strong salt solution directly into the amniotic sac..(fluid surrounding the baby). The baby breathers and swallows it, is poisoned, struggles, and some times convulses. It takes  over an hour to kill the baby. The mother delivers the dead baby in a day or two...

   The Qur'an declares that : They are in loss who kill their children foolishly without knowledge ( of the consequences)... Surah al An'am ch 6 verse 140 . Let us take a small stock of the loss caused by this foolishness..

In Mumbai around 25 Thousand abortions take place every year. China has aborted around 30 million babies till now in a span of 30 years. Today their economic ad social structure is in danger with old people increasing in number and children getting lesser in number. Russian population is is also shrinking. Demographers claim that if it continues then Russian population will shrunk from 150 million to 110 million by 2050. By 2050, one third of Japanese and German population will also be above 65 years. In Ahemdabad, India, there are 14 homes  for old aged people and thousands of elderly have listed themselves  in waiting list.These are results of aborting children. The planet cannot survive without inhabitants because Allah has created the planet to benefit humans.

   What are the dangers of birth control?
1. An increase of old people
2. Less earning and more retired members in the society
3. Less purchasing power due to less earners
4. Less tax payers and more pensions receivers
5. Increase in retirement age so that older people may work for few more years and earn for themselves.
So those who have undergone abortion should repent and seek forgiveness from Allah and those who are planning to abort must know that the child can be your future supporter.....other wise know that a lonely and helpless old age is waiting for you

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues fromIslamic perspective. He can be reached at

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When Your Enemy Pretends to be Your Friend and a Well wisher...

When Your Enemy Pretends to be Your Friend and a Well wisher...

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at 9:13pm

The Story of the enemity between men and Satan goes back to the time when satan refused to prostrate to Adam as commanded by Allah. And Allah ordered " Get Out ! Disgraced and Expelled! The next few dialouges that went between Iblis and Allah regarding Adam and his progeny are noted in the Qur'an. But before that, Allah exposes his two attributes which appears apparently in his reason for not prostrating to Adam a.s. inspite of Allah's command... 1. Aba wastaqbar... and 2. ana khairoo minhu...Both the statements are worth noticing because  they are found in many Bani Adam, an indication that they too are on the foot step of satan. Kibr means Arrogance... and ana khairu minhu also means I am better than he.. arrogance..Many of us boast of the blessings of Allah that he has given us above others, instead of thanking Allah we look down upon others..We compare our superiority in welath, health, intelligence and other such blessings which include even looks...
   Then he said to Allah,"My lord! give me then respite till the day of raising... Since you have caused me to deviate I will also I will also make wrong fair seeming to then on the earth.. This is recorded in Surah Hijr , ch 15, verse 39.. Surah al Ar'af ch 7,verse 17 says...Then I will assault them fron front and behind them, from their right and their left...satan's desire ends with  a guess...You will find most of them ungrateful !
   Allah has not hidden any dialogue regarding Iblis from us.. because He wants us to be alert from him. If you note the above verses, which many of us read umpteen time but forget to ponder into it... Instead of apologising for disobeying, Iblis blamed Allah for letting him astray...then he challenged that he will lead many of men astray..His final conclusion was.. You will find many of them ungrateful !
 So the question is " How does he attack us? How does he make us ungrateful ? Surely he does come with weapons but his weapons are not drones and missiles and nuclear weapons...But his approach is very friendly.. he appears as a well wishers most of the times ...That is how he cheated Adam a.s. and his wife. Surah Araf ch 7, verse 21 says.. and he swore to both of them that he was their sincere advisor....!
  Today many people, many movements, many ideologies, many materialistic projects approach Muslims as their well wishers. Some allure us to take housing loans on interests, some tell our women that they should discard hijab and take up liberal dresses, there are some who invites us to discard shariah and take up democractic constitutions.. These are the army of Iblees, or rather the ambassadors of Satan... out to take us away from the siratull mustaqeem...
 Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective.. He can be reached at

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