Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hazrat Rahmatullah Kairanvi

Hazrat Rahmatullah Kairanvi

Download Izhar ul Haq (Truth revealed) in pdf

   Zakir naik was inspired by Ahmed deedat in study of comparative religion and are big stories about both of them… But do you know how Ahmed deedat got inspired and how did he get this much of knowledge on comparative religion ?

     That is one book “ Izhar–ul–Haq ” written by great Hazrat Rahmatullah Kairanvi from India. Who had a heart to challenge Christian leaders in the time of british rule. later due to death warrant from british, he went to Mecca . And found Madarsa Soulatiya,first madarsa in mecca And the only book on which Christians could not even raise a point for debate

In 1891, it was translated in English, and famous Newspaper Times of London commented:

                      "If people keep reading this book, the spread of Christianity in the World will stop."

This is the thoroughly researched response to the Christian offensive against Islam in India. This book lucidly review the authenticity of the Bible and succinctly summarise the main errors, distortions and contradictions in and between the Old and New Testaments of the King James Version. Furthermore, the doctrine of the Trinity is refuted; a doctrine that Isa (AS) never taught.

This book, internationally recognized as one of the most authoritative and objective studies of the Bible, was originally written in Arabic under the title Izhar-ul-Haq (Truth Revealed) by the distinguished 19th century Indian scholar, Rahmatullah Kairanvi, and appeared in 1864. The book was subsequently translated into Urdu, and then from Urdu into English by Mohammad Wali Raazi.

Rahmatullah Kairanvi wrote the book in response to the Christian offensive against Islam during the British rule in India, and specifically to counter the subversive attack made by the Rev. C. C. P. Fonder. Rev. Fonder had written a book in Urdu entitled Meezanul Haq, the open intention of which was to create doubts into the minds of the Muslims about the authenticity of the Qur’an and Islam.

Kairanvi’s intention in his book was first of all to show that the Bible cannot in any way be considered as a directly revealed book. He does this very effectively by means of his voluminous and authoritative knowledge of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. He demonstrates beyond doubt that the Books of the Old and New Testaments have been altered, almost beyond recognition, from their original forms. The work is even more notable in the light of subsequent Jewish and Christian scholarship and the various discoveries that have since been made in this field which all bear out the truth of Kairanvi’s thesis.

In a debate which took place in January 1854, in Akbarabad in the City of Agra. The Rev C C P Founder (who had written a book in Urdu to cast doubts into the minds of the Muslim) admitted that there were alterations in the Bible in seven or Eight places to which the commented "If any alteration is proved to have been perpetrated in a particular text, it is considered null and void and invalidated.

This and other debates proving Islam to be the true religion was part of the trigger which lead to the Brutal British aggression against the Muslims of India in 1857 in which thousands of Ulemah were killed, Rahmatullah was at the top of the list, but Allah saved him and took him to Makkah where he established The Madrasa Saulatia.

History of debate
In nut shell East Indian company was expanding its operation, together with it Group of Christian Padre came to india with the sole purpose to ahake the faith of indians and convert them, press was establiahed at Calcutta and Bible was published into urdu, Padre Fonder starts debating with ulemas n writing books to weeken the faith of muslims, after defeating the ulema's he came to the stairs of jama Masjid Delhi n challanged muslims that i have defeated all yours ulems's, is there is any one who can compete with me, . Then Kairanvi came n badly defeated him.

He set up his Madrasa and also devoted his attention to the serious situation arising out of the attack of Christian missionaries on Islam, which were growing sharper. He now began work on his book, lzalatul-Auham. While he was working on this book, he fell ill. His condition grew so serious that he could not move, and could say his daily prayers only by signs. There was no improvement in his condition. This was a cause of great anxiety to his family and his students. One day after the morning .fajr) prayers, his eyes filled ,with tears; and he started crying. Those with him thought that he had despaired of his recovery, and began to comfort him. He said to them, "By Allah' there is apparently no indication that I shall recover, but, God willing, I will, very soon. I cried because last night I saw in a dream that the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, had come accompanied by Siddiqi-i-Akbar, Abu Bakr. The Great Siddiq said to me, "Young man, here are good tidings for you from the Messenger of Allah: if your work on the book Tzafatul-Auham has been the cause of this illness, the same will be the cause of your recovery."

             I was comforted and infinitely pleased to hear the good tiding, and I wept for joy." Christians' attacks on Islam The Maulana recovered soon after and resumed his work on the book. Those were the days when the sordid campaign of Christian missionaries against Islam had created unrest throughout the sub-continent. Padre C.C.P. Fonder was at the head of this campaign. His speeches and his book, Meezanul Haq had caused great resentment among the Muslims. The Ulema had so far silently ignored the missionary activity. This attitude had on the one hand emboldened the Christians, and on the other, was beginning to have a demoralizing effect on those, who were illiterate. The Ulema, therefore, decided to counter the missionary attacks in a firm manner. They collected material for this purpose in order to strive in the cause of Allah, and vindicate the position of Islam as the true faith. The Maulana was the first person to lead this crusade against the Christians. He announced. "I have asked the leading Padre of India (Dr. Fonder) who occupies a prominent position in Christiandom, and who is the author of Meezanul Haq, to meet me in an open debate, so that the truth is established, and it becomes known to all that the Ulema had ignored the pamphlets issued by Christian missionaries (containing attacks on Islam), because they regarded them as unworthy and undeserving of rebuttal, and not because they had nothing to say in this regard."

The Great Debate
The debate with Fonder The Maulana accompanied by his friend, Molvi Mohammad Amirullah, Mir Mukhtar of the Raja of Benaras (who was acquainted with Padre Fonder), called on the Padre at his house, but he was not at home. The Maulana wrote a letter to him on 23rd March, 1854 C.E.; and after the exchange of several letters, the subject of the debate and date and place for it were appointed. After the preliminaries had been settled by mutual agreement the first session of the debate was held on the morning of 11th Rajab, 1270 A.H. (lO th ApriI1854), in Katra Abdul Masih, Agra. Rahmatullah was assisted by Dr. Mohammad Wazir Khan, and Dr. Fonder was assisted by Padre French. The debate was attended by Smith, District Revenue Officer; Christians Chairman of the Provincial Board; William, the local magistrate; Lately the Government's spokesman; Padre William Gilben, Mufti Riazuddin, Molvi Faiz Ahmad, Molvi Hazur Ahmed, Molvi Amirullah, Molvi Qamrul Islam, the Imam of Jamia Masjid, Agra; Munshi Khadim Ali, manager of the newspaper Mat/aul Akbar; and Munshi Sirajul Haq, among others. The place was full of people as they were interested in the outcome of the debate. It should be noted that the Christians had the backing of the Government. The British were an alien people, and their conquest of the country was both recent and ruthless, and the people had been cowed down and strangulated economically. But in the defence on Islam they knew no fear.

     First Padr Fonder addressed the audience in these words: "It is necessary to know how this debate was "fixed. It is due to the wishes and persistence of  Rahmatullah. I do not think that it will be of any advantage, or a result will Come out of it. It is, however, my ardent desire to present the true nature of the Christian religion before the Muslims. The subjects of this debate are: abrogation of earlier revelations and interpolations in the text of the Bible, the divinity of Christ; his life and the doctrine of trinity; and the prophethood of   Mohammad (peace be on him)."

   Rahmatullah then opened the debate on abrogation and the corruption of the text of the Bible. He proved that the text of the Bible had been forged and corrupted, both from internal evidence and by citing several works of Christian scholars in evidence. Finally Padre Fonder, in reply to a question put to him by Or. Wazir Khan, admitted that in seven or eight places the original text of the Bible had been changed. Molvi Qamrul Islam, the Imam of lamia Masjid, asked Munshi Khaditn Ali to record that Padre Fonder had admitted that the text of the Bible had been forged in seven or eight places. Fonder said "yes, yes, do record it, the text has been corrupted to this extent only but the holy books have not suffered from any defect because of it." The Maulana said, "if a single item in a legal docu ment is proved to be forged, the entire document is regarded as unreliable. In the case of the Bible, Padre Fonder has admitted forgery in seven or eight places, and he would still like us to believe that the book is reliable." At this stage, the debate was adjourned at the instance of Fonder.

    The next day the debate was resumed at the appointed time and place. As it had received wide publicity, there was an audience of over one thousand prominent persons on the second day. A few prominent Hindus like Dr. Mukand Lal, Hakim Jawaher Lal, Raja Balwan Singh Kashi, and Pandit Jugal Kishore were also present. , I Debate was continued on the subject of forgeries in the text of the Bible. Christian scholars began to hedge and prevaricate. But they were cornered and they could not stave off defeat. It is natural for tempers to rise in such a situation. Padre French, therefore, began to show temper and, the debate proved inconclusive. Fonder thereafter avoided meeting Rahmatullah in open public debate and, entered into correspondence with Dr. Mohammad Wazir Khan. The exchange of letters which began on 1st May, 1854 C. E. ended on 16th August, 1854. Fonder had been discomfited in open debate. Dr. Wazir, therefore, in his first letter to Fonder wrote: "You should first give a reply to the questions raised by  Rahmatullah. If you still wish to go on with the open debate, you should admit that the text of the Bible has been forged or corrupted in several places and, that the Bible has been superseded and its laws abrogated by the Holy Quran. We will then take up the question of trinity for debate, and when that issue is settled we shall discuss the prophethood of the last of the prophets, Mohammad, peace be on him."

            The Maulana had repeatedly asserted that the Christians' call to people to embrace Christianity was a great deception as "their Gospel is not wholly authentic. It has suffered from forgeries and corruption of the text, on a large scale, at the hands of Christian priests; and since the original Gospel does not exist anywhere, the very foundations of the Christian faith are hollow,"

 It was an important condition of the Agra confrontation that the Maulana would embrace Christianity if he were unable to satisfy the objections of Fonder; and in the other eventuality, Fonder would embrace Islam.

The Maulana's task in the debate was

(a) to prove the prophethood of the Holy Prophet, peace be on him,
(b) to prove that the Holy Quran is a Divine Book, and that it has been preserved in its original and pure state to this day, no attempt having been made ever to make interpolations in the text, 
(c) to prove the doctrine of trinity as false and, to prove that large scale forgeries have been made in the text of the Bible.

    Fonder, on the other hand, had to justify the doctrine of trinity. He had to prove that the existing Gospel was the same scriptures which Jesus Christ preached, that is, there had been no attempt at forgery or replacement of the text. The Maulana, by the Grace of Allah, proved in the two-day debate that the existing Gospel which the Christians are proud of, was a forgery and was not the original and complete Scriptures. Fonder admitted the fact of the forgeries before the public.

The debate was not held on the third day. Fonder , avoidd the public debate, and in order to save face, wrote a letter to the Maulana saying: "I accept at face value the Biblical references which you quoted in the debate. But I am sending you here. with an explanatory note which will show that the references quoted by you do not mean what you understood. "
If Fonder had thought that he had made good his escape, he was mistaken. The Maulana wrote a detailed reply refuting his arguments. Correspondence on this subject continued till the 23rd April, 1854.

       The proceedings of the Agra debate were compiled by Waziruddin and published by Hafiz Abdullah at Fakhrul Matabe, Delhi, in 1270 A. H. under the title of Al-bahth al sharif-fi-isbat unnaskh wat tallrif (debate on the abrogation of earlier scriptures, and interpolations in the text of the Bible). It was distributed to all parts of India by order of the Crown Prince, Mirza Fakhruddin son of Sirajuddin Bahadllr Shah' Zafar, the Moghal Emperor. The book contains the proceedings of the public debate, and some letters exchanged between the Maulana and Padre Fonder. The proceedings were also printed in two volumes, at Agra (Akbar-Abad) by Matba Munamiah and published by Syed Abdullah Akbarabadi in 1211 A. H. The first part tobtairis the proceedings of the debate in the Persian language, in which the debate was carried on between Dr. Mohammad Wazir Khan and Dr. Fonder. The Arabic translation of this book was printed on the margin of the book "IZhar-ul-Haq."



  1. Assalaamualaikum brother..
    we should say Hazrat SHEIKH Rahmatullah Kairanvi instead of Hazrat MAULANA Rahmathullah Kairanvi..! because in Qur'an "Maulana" (Protector/ Lord/ Master) is referred to Allah..!
    check the link below to know more..

  2. Wa alaikum as salam Dear Brother,
    Jazak allah khair for pointing the same...however there are difference of opinion over this ..
    in sha allah i ll look into and do the needful.

    May Allah Bless You.
