Friday, July 29, 2011

Debates and Debators Part II

Debates and Debators Part II

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Friday, July 29, 2011 at 11:44am

Some people dislike debating on the behalf of Islam and they say that it brings a bad reputation to the Religion and the community! They feel that debates should be avoided because it exposes the faults of other religions.Well, debates are not forbidden in Islam as long as it does not lead to mocking of the deities of other faith nor it turns into hostile disputes. Debating, as I wote earlier is like driving a race car, any thing can come up at any moment.. so unless the debator is not very good in debating and refuting unexpected allegations then he should avoid debates. 

  The Qur'an permits debating and also presents a case study of debate in the story of Ibrahim (pbuh) and Namrood. The second case is of Prophet Ibrahim pbuh debating with his own people after he demolished the idols...and the Quran also says..Indeed in Ibrahim is an excellent example to follow... Surah Nahl

  Hitting Dr. William Campbell with strong arguments was an essential response to his arrogant boastful challenge that remained online for three years " no Muslim scholar can refute my book" And he collected a lot of money to promote anti Islamic tirade.. so it was the need of the hour to assassinate his honor in public so that the rich Christians stop funding him.. that's exactly what Allah got it done through Dr. Zakir...William Campbell is finished.
  That is what Shaikh Ahmed Deedat did to stalwarts like Jimmy Swagart...and they had an acadamic debate...Now a days there are panel debates in vogue... andyou have to knock out in two or three sentences... the rule to win these debates remains same... strive hard in practising and keep on updating your knowledge and quicking thinking and repsonding skills..Unfortunately we dont have debate trianing session in our madrasas or da'wah centers where our da'ees can be most of us focus on public speaking only.
  Debates should be practised only in the presence of a senior trainer who is well versed in debates...Shaikh Sadi used to trainhis students for debeates.. he used to divide the group into two.. then he used to float a topic..and call one group in a room and speak to them in detail about their topic if they were in favour... then he used to call ujpon the other group and  speak to them about ther side.. thus he used to balance the knowledge in for and against amongst his students.. now the floor was open for debates and the skills of the participants were put to test.In Debates jsut knowledsge is not enough but also skills to refute yoru opponent's allegations are more neccessary.
 Another way of improving debating skills is to choose a topic and write few points in favour and against.. this is called debating with our own self.. then refute each point for and against... this will help you in observing views fromyour opponents side... you can choose general topicsfrom academics and social issues to sharpen your skills then step into  refending Islam... But remember.. dont debate to defeat people, rather debate to win them to your side. After all Da'wah is to invite people to Islam and not to push them away...

Author:  Nisaar Nadiadwala loves that some Muslims should pick up debating skills and defend the deen of Allah.
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The Simple Muslimah and The Complicated Careers : Peep Before You Leap

The Simple Muslimah and The Complicated Careers : Peep Before You Leap

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 11:41am

Amongst the most dangerous things that can happen to many girls stepping into a career zone: she will think that she can control her self and protect herself from haraam even if she studies and works  with males, communicates with males, share jokes with males, goes to canteen and picnics with males....just because she wears a hijab and a scarf so she is safe.

  There are certain careers essential for women and medical zone and teaching being one them, yet they  are not without dangers because the learning environment teaches you many other things too .. those things which you dont pay your fees for, nor it is  part of your syllabus. It comes in the form of being 'look cautious', smart at jokes or responding to jokes, ettiquette of laughing , sitting, exchanging gifts and gift cards and demanding parties from class mates......A girl is exposed to the latest fashions and realises that her looks, her face, her style and the colour  of her dresses needs to be updated. Even a simple girl wants a complicated looks.

   This causes a shift in her attitude towards herself specially  her Islamic way of life she has come from. An environment that enveloped her from all the glitter of being watched and graded by males, a cloud that shaded her from all the heats of competitive looks will now seem to her like a cage depriving her freedom to fly.Yet I say that these two are the need of of our community so some females who are firm in deen and have a strong religious background  should go ino thembut with a little caution

  In fields like Information Technology it is only intelligence that is needed but a grade in beauty will lift your popularity index as compared to the other girls in the class. It continues even when she joins  a company where she is in a micro minority sorrounded by males. Lenghty working hours to finish the tasks and late nights to fix up net work problems are important part of the job profile. She will keep on disconnecting her phone repeatedly every time her husband or children disturb her. Poor fellows only wanted to know if she is coming early and cooking food or should they order from hotel. The only thing she gets is a fat salary to buy luxuries for herself and branded expensive beauty products  designer's dresses are  some  of them, and some time birthday cards with flowery words of love and affections for her husband and children , which come from the pens of professional writers and not from her heart. Replace IT with Engineering or CA , the rules and the rulers  of studying and working places remain same.

   There are certain careers like MBA  where looks and styles are essential chapters of your syllabus. . She has to learn the art of persuading customers and please them and bargain hard for her company. If you see it from a little different angle, she is not only marketing the product or the services of her company but marketing herself in the office. Students have to give presentations to audience standing before them, looking into their eyes, without feeling shy and bashful other wise it is counted as  lack confidence.  Those natural attributes that  fetch you more marks in the book of Allah will now sit in the column of  liablities and barriers towards  prosperity. Your shy and  modest Islamic nature, that is declared to be a part of Emaan in every book of hadith, will gradually say to you good bye..After all an A-plus in Maths and Sceince indicates that you are intelligent in those subject only but in real life there are subjects in which are grading is done by Allah only and Haya is one of them.

    Meanwhile you will still continue to wear an abhaya with  a scarf, fearless of any threat to your modesty from any side.  Any takers of my Advice? Or as Prophet Saleh said when he looked at his dead people devasted by the wrath of Allah: O my People! I gave you sincere advice but Alas! You do not  love  sincere advisors....  Surah al-Ar'af ch 7,verse 79

Auhtor: Nisaar Nadiadwala speaksn write on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. he can be reached at
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Friday, July 22, 2011


( Canada's North West Territory)

A remarkable story:

Inuvik is an arctic town in Canada’s Northwest Territories with a populatio of about 3,500 people. It’s located right at the tip of North America facing the Arctic Ocean. With a polar climate and harsh living conditions, one wouldn't expect to find a town there, let alone a town with Muslims.But there is a Muslim community there and a growing one, too. So much so that the trailer that was being used as the mosque ran out of room and this community now needed a new mosque.

Building a mosque in the Arctic, however, is far more complicated than it is anywhere else.The scarcity of skilled labour and material makes the cost of such a project skyrocket and this undertaking is simply impossible for a small community of a 100 people.Their situation is akin to that of the Muslims in Edmonton, who despite all odds managed to erect Canada’s first mosque in 1938.With faith in God anything is possible.At a time like this, the Inuvik Muslims could have simply prayed for a mosque to be shipped over.And that’s exactly what they were about to get.

Enter, the Zubaidah Tallab Foundation. The Zubaidah Tallab Foundation is a charity based out of Manitoba. The remarkable individuals at this organization decided to give the Inuvikans a hand and took it upon themselves to ensure that the mosque got built. After evaluating the cost of locally building the mosque, they came up with a plan which at first sight would easily be dismissed as insanity. Build the mosque in Winnipeg and ship it 4,000 kilometres away to Inuvik in the Northwest Territories.

As insane as that may sound, this was the most economical way of getting the mosque built.Part of the mosque’s journey was going to be on roads (2400km) and part on water (1800 km).The goal was to get the mosque on to the last barge heading towards Inuvik for the season.Not only was this going to be a logistical nightmare but it was to be a race against time as well.With receding water levels in the Mackenzie River, the shipping company decided to push up the departure date by 3 weeks.

The 1,500 square-foot mosque was built in Winnipeg and started its journey on a semi-trailer.The over-sized trailer made its way through back roads and country highways, struggling to make it to the barge in time; it was delayed further by Labour Day celebrations  and highway regulations. To complicate matters even more, the bridge across Reindeer Creek proved too narrow for the trailer.The driver had to remove the back wheels and a second truck was brought into balance the back of the flatbed as the mosque was moved carefully across bridge.But this wasn't the biggest scare.All hopes and dreams came close to being shattered when the mosque almost fell off the trailer into a creek near the Alberta border.

The organizers managed to request the shipping company to hold the barge for two extra days and perhaps by divine intervention, the barge was delayed further due to poor weather.With lots of prayer and a little bit of luck, the trailer managed to get to the barge just in time.The mosque was loaded on to the barge and set off for its journey towards the North Pole.

The barge arrived in Inuvik, on September 24th2010.After an excruciating 3-week journey, the little mosque arrived at its destination; all in one piece.The Inuvik Muslims gathered around the port to witness the historical event.They chanted prayers to praise and thank God as they waited.Some jumped around with joy while others were overwhelmed with gratitude and came to tears.

Numerous finishing touches needed to be added and it took about a month to get the mosque ready for use.Fathallah Fargat, a carpenter from St. Catherines, Ontario was inspired by the story and traveled all the way to Inuvik to help set up the mosque.He even helped build a 10-meter minaret to accompany the newly erected mosque.The Midnight Sun Mosque, as it is now called, was inaugurated on November 10th 2010 to become North America’s northern most mosque.All in all, the entire project cost about $300,000.The Zaid Tallabah Foundation, which still has outstanding payments to make, is looking to raise another $21,000.
The Inuvik mosque is a stellar example of what can be accomplished by unity, hard work and faith in God.For those let down by the petty attacks on mosques around the West, this story should rejuvenate your spirit and give you hope.If people can manage to build a mosque in the Arctic, then building one anywhere else should be far from impossible.

One More Friday...My Own Thoughts and My Own Observations

One More Friday...My Own Thoughts and My Own Observations

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Friday, July 22, 2011 at 12:51pm

I was invited to deliver a Jumuah Khutba in a Masjid and I chose to speak on" How our Masajid can benefit us in a big way. After the Jumuah prayers the trustees met me and showed their pleasure for giving them some useful motivating advice. Next year I happened to visit the same Masjid for another Jumuah and to my delight I saw a lot of activities that benefited the localites had been initiated in the Masjid.

One more Friday has arrived announcing a hidden moment during which our supplications are accepted.. I wonder how many of us are really particular regarding this virtue?

'Friday is the Eid of the week' says a popular and authentic Hadith. How many of us treat Friday in this manner? On Eid , we bring out our best dress from our wardrobe and apply best perfumes and remain happy whole day. On Fridays many of us  wake up late because it is a holiday and we bathe late and reach the Masjid just before the khutba is over..

  If a person lives for 60 years he meets 52x50  =2600 Fridays if he begins attending Friday khutbas from the age of 10 or 12..It also means that if he is attentive to all the khutbas then he receives 2600 lectures of good advice and 2600 lectures inspiration to do good..A regular nourishment for soul isn't it?  Compare it with Maths or science that you learn in one lecture a day for ten year os your schooling... 200 working days a year X 10 =2000 lectures of Maths. Just two thousand lectures of Maths can qualify many students to be an engineer designing and errecting huge buildings,  machines, software....Dont you think 2600 Friday can establish bigger wonders in our lives? Compile 2600 hours of advice by adding up 1400 Masjid in Mumbai alone and add up with your own city and guess how many precious hours we miss out every Friday collectively!

  The reason for the Ummah not getting the best out of Fridays is that we have under estimated our Jumuah Khutbas. The audience prefer to reach when the khutbah is about to get over and many of the speakers themselves stand up unprepared and some just encourage sectarian inclinations... I wish someone comes out with a Jumuah Khutba training for Speakers.

  I remember in my early days of learning Islam.. I used to look for the best orator in  in my locality during Jumuah. I used to attend any guest speaker who was well know for his motivating speeches. I used to get inspired. When Moulana Mukhtar Ahmed Nadwi was alive, many people came all the way from 20 kms to hear his Jumuah sermons. He spoke in a common man's language and touched their chord. Shaikh Zafrul Hasan Madni too comes well prepared for his sermons and his sermons delivers more precious lesson than a diver from the depth of an ocean. Moulana Muqeen Faizi too does his homework well before his sermons. These scholars are heard by listeners of all groups of Muslims and are appreciated.

 I wish we get back on the track of taking maximum benefit out of Jumuah Sermons and turn the tide in favour of us.

Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational topics from Islamic perspective. he canbe reached at

Taken From

Remembering Allah in Prosperity..Make Hay while the Sun Shines.

Remembering Allah in Prosperity..Make Hay while the Sun Shines.

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 5:43pm

Once of the most motivating assurance from the Qur'an that keeps me going:
Faz korooni az kurukum washkuruli wala takfuroon... Remember me and I will remember you. Thank me and do not be unthankful....Surah Baqarah ch 2 verse 152.

  Those who forget Allah, Allah will also ignore them, declares Surah Toubah ch 9 verse 67

Two persons are mentioned in the Qur'an and their stories are connected with the depth of the ocean. Their success and failures are testified by their incidents that took place in the depth of the oceans. Pharoah and Prophet Yunus.

  Prophet Yunus met hardship in the depth of the ocean and Pharoah too met his hardship in the depth of the ocean. Let us compare them.In Surah Saffat, ch 37 verse 143 and 144... Allah mentions about a big fish swallowing Prophet Yunus...Then Allah says something very important to note....Had it not been that he (Yunus) was not a musabbiheen he would have certainly remained in the belly of the fish till the day of resurrection!!!.... Who is a musbbiheen? One who glorifies Allah regularly, through his action, through his dhikr, through his worship and through Establishing touhid in the hearts and minds of people.

 A narration from Ibn Abbas inTafseer Tabari, says: When Prophet Yunus peace be upon him, called upon Allah from the belly of the fish, the Angels inquired from Allah.. O Allah the supplicator's voice seems familiar.. Allah replied.. "Yes he is Yunus who always remembers me.. "The Angels said  " But his voices seems to be coming from a different place today ?" Allah replied " Yes he is in the belly of the fish...the Angels requested.. "O Allah ! wont you respond him now that he is in trouble? "Allah said " Yes....and He responded and saved Yunus. Peace be upon Yunus

  Now let us see what happened to Pharoah. When the people of Bani Israel were crossing the sea, the water stood still  like a moutanious wall. and  non of the Bani Israel got his foot dirty even in the murky mud.. so easy was their exit from the hardship!  Pharoah's drowning is mentioned in many places of the Qur'an. .. At lenght , when overwhlemed with the flood, Pharoah said " I believe that there is nno god except Him whom the children of Israel believe in" I am of those whosubmit.... The same verse further says.. Allah replied " Ah Now ! But a little while before, you were in rebellion! and you did mischeif in the land... Look at the miracle of the Qur'an.. this incient is mentioned in Surah Yunus ch 10, verse 90,91!!!

 For most of us our hardships reminds us that we are Muslims and we run to Allah crying and praying only when we have no options left...but when Allah gives us a taste of His mercy, we dont even thank him but our skills and talents and influence for our solutions, everybody but Allah.  One of the best and the fastest  way to Allah's response is to remember Him during good times too...Thats is what they say .. make hay while the sun shines ....When was the last time we did that?

Author: NisaarNadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational topics from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

Taken From

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why Not Islamic Studies?

Why Not Islamic Studies?

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 1:11pm
The word youth  means a young man or a young woman..Islamically the stage of youth begins with the age of puberty. This age is sensitive and  looks for ideals, heroes, thoughts, attitudes, life styles ideologies which shapes their character and cultures. The strength of a society iss influenced by  the contribution of the young people . In the Islamic period of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) the youth were groomed to be extra ordinary in their skills, their faith and their character. Let us see a few examples: 

  The Prophet (peace be upon him)  recommended the people to learn Qur'an from four people. three of them were young men. Abdullah bin Masood, Muadh bin Jabal and Salim Moula Huzefa.. Allah be please with them. Salim Moula Huzefa  was once reciting the Qur'an aloud in the Masjid e Nabwi and Ayesha Sidduiqah heard his Qirat and appreciated before the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Prophet exlaimed :Alhamdolillah! for having such brilliant young Qaris in my Ummah....

 Zaid bin Thabit's tribe brought him to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and they said : O Prophet (peace be upon him) this young man has memorised nine lengthy Surah.. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was glad to know it and he instructed Zain " learn Hebrew because I have to correspond with the Jews and Christians.....Zaid obeyed him and he learnt Hebrew in jsut 12 days !!! Amazing 

 The young men around the Prophet were all excited and anxious to learn more and even minute details of Religion. Zaid bin Khallid r.a said I ll observe how the Prophet prays his Tahajjud.. and he observed and gave a detailed version about the Prophet's Tahajjud..While the prophet prayed the young man patiently observed. Let me remind you the length of that Prayer.. he prayed two short rakah (units), then six extremly long ones.. and Zaid r.a. studied it.

  Abdullah bin Amr bin al As used to write every thing that the Prophet said, he was another young man. Some people objected because they feared that at times the Prophet (peace be upon him) is angry and he may not be in proper mode of saying.. so Abdullah stopped. The Prophet inquired from him as to why did he stop writing. After hearing his reasons he instructed.. Continue writing , because I dont speak any thing but truth.

   The Prophet (peace be upon him) announced  : Muadh Bin Jabal.r.a.knows maximum in haram and halal... Zaid bin Thabit r.a. most knowledgeable about the obligatory things...

 Abdullah bin Abbas was very young when the  Prophet (peace be upon him) died. So he went to an Ansari sahabi and told him : let us compile all the knowledge that the Prophet has left behind. The Ansari said : who would require form us as there are other seniors present among us?..Ibn Abbas tarried  on his on and travelled hectically to verify even one narration. A day came when he was  rated as a top scholar in Islamic knowledge including Fqh, Tafaseer... his house was like a school. college and university with people flocking to learn more and more...Once some body exclaimed : Abdullah and Obedullah are two gems of  Madina.. one distributes knowledge and other wealth and food... Obeduallah r.a. was Ibn Abbas's brother. 

  Today many of our youth are confused if there is any scope in Islamic studies ! They compare it with other lucrative careers which offers a status in the society. As long as the Muslim youth took up Islamic studies passionately and prefered it above their own desires and life style, success kissed their foreheads.

 Today we require so many encouraging words and notes and  assurances to  persuade students,  brilliant in academic studies, to opt for Islamic studies as there is a huge vaccum in the field. I asked a student:Why do you want to be a  doctor? He replied: I want to serve humanity. I said : Shall I show you a better career for serving humanity? Pursue Islamic studies...As a doctor you are saving a person's life and as a an authentic scholar of Islam? You are saving his akhera and the moral fabric of society..

Infact every student who gets around 80+ dreams of becoming a doctor or an engineer. but  how many actually get into it? According to the reports, only less than one percent of those who apply for medicine manage to get admission into it. What happens to the rest?

 I dont say Muslims should not do Medical studies but I say if there are students who are  enthusiastic in learning deen and are already into it as a teacher or a reader of Scholarly works on deen then inspite of getting 85+ they  may prefer Islamic studies. They are the inheritors of the treasure that the Prophet left behind, the treasure of Knowledge. 

 Author :Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educatinal issues from Islamic perspective. he can be reached at nisaar_yusuf

Taken From

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Brilliant Muslimah and Her Career

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Saturday, July 16, 2011 at 9:33pm

My maternal grandmother was only 22 when her husband died and she had three little children to bring up. It was in 1952. She shifted to a small slum like house in a  village and walked  3 miles every day to buy and sell milk and curds in the scorching heat of summer and the chilly mornings of winter. By the time I was born, she already had a huge mansion like house and all her children married and settled. By the village standard she had built an Empire. . It was under compulsion that she had to swim across the current. She did not have any personal experience or formal training but her hardship taught her those lessons which Hawards and Camrbidge don't teach you in their volumnous books.

  Today as the results of various matric courses are out in the Gulf, in India, in Pakistan, the outcome shows a huge increase in compeititiveness  among the girl students. Ratio wise, they are scoring well ahead of boys ! Alhamdolillah. Many girls are looking for prospective careers. My cautious advices for them.

   What is the concept of a career from a female's perspective? We  understand that men look for career because they have to run their houses and bring up their childrenand get their children settled... but  Islam has exempted women from wandering from offices to offices and soaking in files and paper works and bargaining and pleasing costumers and then reaching home to cook for tired husbands and children and the next morning then pak up kids for school  and herself for the office..

 Certain careers can be put into the column of fard e kifaya when it comes to women. Medical profession is one of the best example. I would be uncomfortable for  my daughter or wife or some one else's women approaching a male doctor for her treatment because of  lack of lady doctors...  Gheerah (gairat)is a part of faith...

  Teaching girls only whether it is Maths or Language,and grooming them into a practising muslimah through hijab, and other etiquette related to women is another career that pops in my mind. There is a big vacancy and opportunities in this section as more and more schools running on Islamic principles are coming up. This also means that I am not denying females to take up Maths and Physics if their aim is to be a teacher in those subjects and not an engineer which requires intermingling with opposite sex through out your working days. Who does not know what happens in the offices and other other such working places?

  But there should be a section of girls who manage to score above 80 or A grade yet they chose Islamic studies as their first option. Many girls ,upon scoring A grade or 80+ , rarely think of taking up Islamic studies and doing masters in it. It may be that there are girls who would love to do it but their parents find it risky...Some girls find themselves confused in choosing between a medical degree and an Islamic one.. I assure them that a degree in Islamic studies is as precious as medical when it comes to women. The reason being the same as I mentioned above... It is uncomfortable for a woman to ask certian questions related to feminine issues to a male no matter how big a scholar he is. In Islamic studies there are many options as well.

    You can become a  Da'ee (caller to Islam) and to support my assurance.. more than  two third of new entries into Islam are women... A female da'ee can run her center of her  own or a website  catering ot non Muslim females only... or can deliver talks to female audience....

  You can become a scholar of Arabic language and then learn fiqh and Dr Farhat Hashmi did. If I say Dr Farhat Hashmi  is one of the best things to have happened to Pakistani women.. then it wont be an exaggeration. If I say the community requires hundreds of Farhat Hashmis even then I am not exagerrrating the need. You can also straight away join a formal degree in Islamic studies in a reputed Islamic university. 

   All the careers that I have highlighted can be taken as a service to the society and not to run your houses, for that you have your husband to do it, but if you earn through it , yet the money is only yours.Meanwhile wait for my next note on 'Dangerous Careers for Muslimah' Inshallah.

Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jihâd Against the Self !!

Jihâd Against the Self

“Jihâd (striving) against the soul has four stages:

●Firstly: To strive in learning guidance and the religion of truth, without which there will be no success. Indeed, there can be no true happiness, nor any delight in this world and in the Hereafter, except through it.

●Secondly: Striving to act upon what has been learned, since knowledge without action will not benefit, rather it will cause harm.

●Thirdly: Striving to invite others towards it and to teach those who do not know, otherwise he may be considered from those who hide what Allah has revealed of guidance and clear explanation. Such knowledge will neither benefit, nor save a person from the punishment of Allah.

●Fourthly: Striving to be patient and persevering against those who oppose this da’wah (call) to Allah and those who seek to cause harm - patiently bearing all these hardships for the sake of Allah.

When these four stages are completed then such a person is considered to be amongst the Rabbâniyyûn. The Salaf were agreed that a Scholar does not deserve the title of Rabbânî until he recognises and knows the truth, acts upon it, and teaches it to others. So whosoever has knowledge, acts upon it, and teaches this knowledge to others, is considered from the Rabbâniyyûn.” [6]

One evening an Old Man told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, “My son, the battle is between two (2) wolves inside us all.” One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Taken From Facebook

Dua to increase Khushoo in our SALAT !!

✿ Dua to increase Khushoo in our SALAT !! ✿

♥-✿ ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ✿-♥

’Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say in his du’aa’:

“Allaahumma innee a’oodhu bika min qalbin laa yakhsha’…
(O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from a heart that has no khushoo’…).”

(Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 5/485, no. 3482; Saheeh Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 2769).

♥-✿ ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ✿-♥


Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

"Successful indeed are the believers, those who offer their salaah (prayers) with all solemnity
and full submissiveness." [al-Mu'minoon 23:1-2]

"and stand before Allaah with obedience" [al-Baqarah 2:238]

♥-✿ ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ✿-♥


i.e., fearing Allaah and in a calm manner. Khushoo' means calmness, serenity, tranquillity, dignity and humility. What makes a person have this khushoo' is fear of Allaah and the sense that He is always watching. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Daar al-Sha'b edn., 6/414). Khushoo' means that the heart stands before the Lord in humility and submission. (al-Madaarij, 1/520).

Taken From Face Book
Posted by Sister Aatika.
May Allah reward her.

Lies Of Christian Missionaries

Lies Of  Christian Missionaries

Just few days back was answering to false claims of a Christian brother over FB suddenly he loses temper and tried to prove alleged errors in Qur'an, by posting false information .... exposed his lies on there .. Publishing the same here.

His Statement
“I know you know the koran but just to prove that you are a liar, I will give you proofs. Sura 18 The Cave Verse 84 and he followed a way until when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it setting in a black muddy spring and he found thereat a people.’ which tended to it. Surah 67.5 the stars are in the lowest heaven Surah 71 15-16 the sun and the moon are in the middle heaven (4), That makes the stars lower than the sun and the moon. Now I know why they have the star inside the crescent moon. Don't question anything Muhammed says or choose disbelief over faith. 2:108 . Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them.) 2:191-2 so this is the religion of peace????? Intermarriage is forbidden. 2:221 Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. 3:28 Don't believe anyone who is not a Muslim. 3:73 The hypocrites refuse to die for Allah and Muhammad. 4:66 Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. 4:89 You must believe everything Allah and his messengers tell you. Those who don't are disbelievers and will face a painful doom. 4:150-151 enough proof. or do you want some more.

Brother your statement is full of lies ....... as explained below..... but i don’t doubt your intention.

I wish if u start following these verses.....ur problem will be solved!!

Quran 49:6
O  you  who  have believed,  if  there  comes  to  you  a  disobedient  one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of  ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.

Anyways i am exposing your lies .....

Color code Used

Green - Your statement.
Violet - My Reply.
Red - From Quran.

“ Sura 18 The Cave Verse 84  and he followed a way until when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it setting in a black muddy spring and he found thereat a people.’ which tended to it.

EVEN YOUR REFERENCE IS WRONG  correct reference is  18:86
And the verse says  “It appears to Zulkarnain that the Sun sets in Murky water.”

(Suppose Mr A says  “You  believe in Trinity” ...... so did Mr A is believing in Trinity???
Obviously no, he is saying that you believe in Trinity!)

You are reading this in the same way same as u do with Bible .....Brother eastern languages use lot of metaphors and similes.

Just take your newspaper it states Sun sets at.... and Sun rises at.....   I hope you won’t consider it as a scientific mistake in news paper.......... This is how the expression is used Metaphorically!

Surah 67.5 the stars are in the lowest heaven”

67:55. And  We  have  certainly  beautified  the  nearest  heaven  with  lamps [i.e., stars] and have made [from] them what is thrown  at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of  the Blaze.

 [Where it states stars are in lowest heaven?????]

“Surah 71 15-16 the sun and the moon are in the middle heaven (4), That makes the stars lower than the sun and the moon. Now I know why they have the star inside the crescent moon.”

15. Do you not consider how Allah has created seven heavens in  layers. 16. And  made  the  moon  therein a  [reflected]  light  and  made  the  sun a burning lamp

[where it says sun n moon are in the middle of heaven, stars are lower than sun moon??????]


Don't question anything Muhammed says or choose disbelief over faith. 2:108 “.

OUT OF CONTEXT  .... Start reading from 2:107
107. Do  you  not  know  that  to  Allah  belongs  the  dominion  of  the  heavens  and  the  earth  and  [that]  you  have  not  besides  Allah  any protector or any helper?
108. Or do you intend to ask  your Messenger as Moses was asked  before?  And whoever exchanges faith for disbelief has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way.

(This says Only God is your Savior (same thing Bible says in Isaiah)......are you going to question again and again like that of Moses(as) people did)

Anyway your statement is correct up to large extent....... When we (Muslims) say we believe ..we mean it....we are not like Christians who say they believe in Jesus  (as) but are rejecting  his words and believing in heretic claims of Paul & Church.

Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don't kill them.) 2:191-2

191. And  kill them  wherever  you  overtake  them  and  expel  them  from  wherever  they  have  expelled you,  and  fitnah is worse  than  killing.   And  DO NOT FIGHT  them  at  al-Masjid  al-haram  UNTIL THEY FIGHT YOU there.  But if they fight you, then kill them.  Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
192. And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Even answer is given, Why permission for fighting was given.  (Because they were oppressed.)

22: 39. Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.

NOW READ THIS  (This is the General guideline of Islam regarding humanity.... what you have  mentioned is the guideline for battle field.)

5:32 Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.
(no where it states Muslim only, mankind = entire humanity)

60:8  Allah  does  not  forbid  you  from  those  who  do  not  fight  you  because of religion and do not expel you from your homes – from  being  righteous  toward  them  and  acting  justly  toward  them.  Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.

“so this is the religion of peace?????”

Read all again n now decide yourself !!!!

But i will prove  from Bible that Christianity isn’t as all these things are mentioned in Bible.

BIBLE (Book of Numbers) says kill all men, women(who is not virgin) and children's ... save only virgin girls for yourself!!
Bible{31:17} Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
Bible{31:18} But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves
-:Motivating verses for crusaders:-

want more?????????

Intermarriage is forbidden. 2:221

Once again usual ......ITS A LIE.

Marriage with Jews & Christian is permitted 5:5.
(we Muslim read Qur'an in full not in parts for those who do in parts there is a warning in 2:85...... in order to understand even you have to read from cover to cover)

‘Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. 3:28

Its Allies (protectors ) not Friend..... and for sure when ever we have the choice we should take believer as protector in preference to unbeliever.
3:28 Let not believers take disbelievers as allies [i.e., supporters or  protectors] rather than believers. 

Now read this
60:8 8. Allah  does  not  forbid  you  from  those  who  do  not  fight  you  because of religion and do not expel you from your homes – from  being  righteous  toward  them  and  acting  justly  toward  them.  Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.

Don't believe anyone who is not a Muslim. 3:73 “

Once Again lie.....presented out of context.
Start reading from 3:72....Its talking about Hypocrites who said lets enter into religion(and show that we are very devout) n later we will leave the religion......... for sure this will shake the faith of others(Muslims)!!
now in 3:73 God says don’t believe in such persons.....except who are true believers.

This verse specifically talks about Hypocrites who were plotting against Muslims!!!

"The hypocrites refuse to die for Allah and Muhammad. 4:66 "

This verse tells about the characteristic of hypocrite,  read it properly
“If we had” .................. “they would not have done it”.... it just the characteristic.

(Where it says they refuse to???????????????????)

4:66. And  if  We  had  decreed  upon  them,  "Kill  yourselves"  or  "Leave your homes," they would not have done it, except for a  few of them.  But if they had done what they were instructed,  it would have been better for them and a firmer position [for  them in faith].

“Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. 4:89 “

As usual out of context and hiding next verse WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT to complete the statement.

88. What  is [the  matter]  with  you  [that  you  are]  two  groups  concerning  the  hypocrites, while  Allah  has  made  them  fall back  [into  error  and  disbelief]  for  what  they  earned. Do  you wish to guide those whom Allah has sent astray?  And he  whom Allah sends astray – never will you find for him a way  [of guidance].
89. They  wish  you  would  disbelieve  as  they  disbelieved  so  you  would be alike.  So do not take from among them allies until  they  emigrate  for  the  cause  of  Allah.   But  if  they  turn  away  [i.e., refuse], then seize them and kill them wherever you find  them and take not from among them any ally or helper,
90. Except  for those  who  take  refuge  with  a  people  between  yourselves and whom is a treaty or those who come to you, their hearts  strained  at  [the  prospect  of]  fighting  you  or  fighting  their  own  people.   And  if  Allah  had  willed,  He  could  have  given them power over you, and they would have fought you.   So if they remove themselves from you and do not fight you  and offer you peace, then Allah has not made for you a cause [for fighting] against them.
Verse 88 talks about hypocrites .........verse 89 talks about their wish that they wish even you (Muslims) would be like them in disbelief.


Don't fight with
1-Anyone who don’t want to fight(takes refuge).
2-Those with whom u have peace treaty.......(Muslim used to do peace treaty even more than 1400 years ago).
3-Those who refrain from harming you n lives peacefully with you.

“You must believe everything Allah and his messengers tell you. Those who don't are disbelievers and will face a painful doom. 4:150-151 “

Yes any one who associates partner will go to hell forever same my earlier post on salvation as Per Jesus(as) ...not Paul....that too states the same.

(For Details Click    Salvation  Bible Vs Christianity)

  Interesting what you believe (Jesus as god & Son of God, Trinity, Salvation through Blood, Original Sin... blah blah) i have proved from your own bible that its false using Red letters (Jesus as  words), while you are giving references of black words (Of Paul)...... You are claiming to follow Jesus(as) but  in reality following Paul n heretic claims of Church........... So the word Hypocrite perfectly suits you!!!

We Muslims aren’t hypocrite we believe in everything that God &  Messenger(saw) said.

Mohd. Tariq