Wednesday, November 23, 2011

From Whom Will you learn Religion ? AweSome Speakers or Humble Scholars ?

From Whom Will you learn Religion ? AweSome Speakers or Humble Scholars ?

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Monday, October 10, 2011 at 9:28am
    One of my teacher of Mathematics was Mr. Patel and he was not fluent in speaking but those who wanted to learn Maths, knew that his teachings were worth learning. So  they attended it and never minded his broken English mixed up with local Indian accent. Whether it is  Maths or Religion, the rules of choosing your teacher and source of Knowledge  remains the same. Learn from the one who knows. How right was Ibn Abbas when he announced before his students : Be careful from whom you take your deen because you akhera is associated with it.

   Many Face Book readers have adopted a trend of choosing to learn from people who  speak excellent English, " O ! he is an  awesome speaker !" Some of the speakers are awesome scholars but many are not. Nauman Ali khan once said " I am not a scholar but a daee, and the difference between a scholar and a da'ee is that a da'ee knows essential deen but for indepth learning he directs you to a scholar.  All scholars are da'ees but all da'ees may not be scholars " .. I agree with Brother Noman on this issue. In Islam, authenticity has always been on the top of priority list when it came  in choosing a book or a scholar, now you may add websites, pages on face books and Youtube links. The problem arises when some awe some  speakers ,who are d'ees, are manisfested as big scholars, infact larger than their sizes and the real scholars are ignored.  Some of these awesome speakers do not mind theliime light. While some are humble enough to accept and declare the level of their Knowledge. Yet many of their followers refuse to accept it.

    Some one once asked Abdul Raheem Green in a small gathering of Peace Conference Chennai few years back " what is the identification of a scholar? " There can be many answers from different perspective, but I liked Green's answer. " When other experts and scholars of the same field acknowledge your scholarly work then you are a scholar.."

    Today some readers use number of  "like" clicks to  decide a scholar by themselves  or some use language excellence as a parameter.. Infact media exposure and usage is trying to change our parameters in finding out  good scholars.  Good and authentic scholars who speak simple language are looked upon as boring.  Some readers take Religion from an aggressive perspective... They are fond of articles, links and stories about jihad.. nothing less can impress them. Their entire  deen revolves aroung accusing Muslim governments and are  fond of reading such types of notes only. Some go aggresive in sectarianism related notes and talks and links.  No islah related topic can satisfy their appitite . They just want to  know, hear and read about sects. The rest of the knowledge that is esssential for their tarbiyah does not interest them. Remember : Arrogance and Taqwa dont go together...

  Moderate scholars the "ulol Albab " are not like that, nor do they teach in that manner,rather they teach creed, and along with it they also teach how to be a  good Muslim as well. They dont just propose hadith out of context or explain the hadith or Qur'an as per their own whimses... Establishing deen is via establishing tauheed. So be careful from whom you take your deen. Ibn Abbas still stands correct when he says be careful..... dont get excited or carried away emotionally. We have already lost many Sahaba and Tabeein to the sword of the kharjis. These kharjis  went  in understanding Qur'an as per their own understanding and a time came when they declared that even speaking lie will let you be in the jahannam for ever!

  So from whom will you take your Deen? Ofcourse mainstream, authentic and scholars... Right ?

 O Our Lord !Let not our hearts deviate after you have guided us.... Surah Imran verse 8

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala writes on Islam and Muslims.. He can be reached at

Taken From

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