Why "Protest Against Greed Corporate in US and Europe...?"
by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 8:35pm
There is a saying in English " All that glitter is not gold..." The gold that appeared on the economy of the west is being scrubbed off and the false gold is being recognized. Karl Marx's Leninism is in sneaking an entry from the doors of economic crises . At least, is the verdict of publishers and bookshops in Germany who say that his works are flying off the shelves. So if the West takes refuge in Communism it means that they will end up where Russian started in 1917. Communism died earlier than Capiatlism. The striking difference between Capitalism and Communism is.. Communism is dead while Capitalism is killing...
951 cities of 85 countries have people protesting against corporate greed. The picture on Madrid protest looked like one from Arab spring. The Arabs atleast have a constitution called Qur'an.. what can the west replace capitalism with ?A virus that began from Wall street (share market of US) has reached across the world faster than their best marketing products. What is Corporate greed ? For a lay man, coporate greed means unlimited and extreme profiting with no upper limits. It makes people feel richer and make them spend more than they can afford. "Buy Today and Pay Tomorrow " Till now we were made to believe that where ever corporate world settles it brings job opportunities, investment opportunities and also increases our purchasing capacity. Then how come people call them greedy !
Entire US, Europe thrive and on products by corporate world, their jobs are in corporate world, they eat food processed by corporate world, their roads and communications are built by coporate. They have flourished through corporate. From daily food to entertainment entire nations are run by the corporate, and now we are told that all of a sudden people are on streets abusing and accusing the same corporate!
. How have these corporate grown so fat with layers of wealth on their tummy? Where do they get money from? Quite simply, the money of people deposited fixed in the banks is utilized as fertilizers for a bumper crop of wealth. Just ask Professor Google what is the salary paid to Bank managers., and it will give u replies in 20 thousand pages and clicks. Infact it is the banking system of investing people’s weath in corporate. Then they pay huge salaries and give lot of holidays to their staff. What is the duty of these staff? what are they paid huge salaries for ? Simple answer.. Their job is to get money out of your pockets ad put them in fixed deposits for few years so that they can loan it to the greedy profiteering corporate. So the society itself is a part of corporate. Can you boycott corporate? No !
The Only answer is Islamic economic system. But will the West submit? As the qur'an Questions : afala ya'koloon? Do you not have INTELLIGENCE ? Do they ?
Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at nisaar_yusuf@yahoo.com
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