Sunday, May 8, 2011

With No Malice towards Khushwant Singh.... A Humble but Thoughtful Response.........

With No Malice towards Khushwant Singh ....
A Humble but Thoughtful Response..

Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Sunday, May 8, 2011 at 10:29am

  Khushwant Singh is the grand old Journalist cum writer of India and he is in his 90s. He writes at this age too. There are two types writings he involves into, one  extensive research work on academic topics, second obscene articles and novels which, if turned into movies, can fit into the category of pornography. For the  past couple of decades he communicates with his readers through  his popular column ' With Malice Towards One and All '. His columns are also translated in Urdu and read by Indians and Pakistanis.

   So I feel that it is my responsibility to respond his latest article published in English, Urdu and other languages too. The topic was ‘ The Sub continent Needs One More Kemal Pasha ‘. Just like his previous editorials even this time he strictly objects to the Islamic dress ‘Hijab’ considered to be modest by the Muslim women ( barring a few who are influenced by the Western life). He announces Hijab to be an outdated life style.

    With no malice towards the author, I acknowledge the fact that he has not updated himself with the ever green ways of Islamic life style. The Islamic life style whether it is Hijaab or beard or visiting the Masjid five times, is always in vogue. If some leader like Kemal pasha puts a ban, even then it surges inside the community’s hearts and mind like a volcano ready to erupt. To cross examine my point, have a look at the modest scarf worn by the wife of  Head of the Turkey right on the first day she entered the Assembly of elected representatives of Turkey. It was an announcement of the revival of Hijab in Turkey. Khushwant Singh further writes that the Muslims are backward because of their out dated laws. If his arguments are agreeable then why does  Khushwant Singh himself wears  his turban and does not consider it to be out dated.

  Janab Khushwant Singh writes “The upper class is educated and westernised. The lowest class, particularly those engaged in farming work along with their menfolk in the fields don’t wear burqas. Only the lower middle class is reluctant to free themselves from the bondage of burqas…..”

  Mr Singh  has outdated information about  Burkha.  In fact the Burkha production is all time high in the Muslim society, be it higher class or any other class. Doctors, Teachers and other highly educated Muslim ladies have taken up Burkha.  In very longitude and latitude of  the globe , Burkha is a daily sight , whether it is the street of New  York  or London or lanes  of Mumbai leading to  colleges.  In my local street  few years back there was only one Burkha shop and the tailor took three months to  fulfill your order, today that same street has no less than 10 shops stitching Hijaab. Few years back I had been to Bhiwandi a dusty little town near Mumbai to buy some Fabrics for HIjab, and  to my amazement the largest shop belonged to a Hindu. I asked him the reason for selling Burkha Fabric and Ready to wear Burkha, he replied…. The demand is growing very fast and it gives a good business….

 Janab Khushwant Singh says that today Turkey is the most advanced Muslim country… My testimony of objection  is… Then why is Europe objecting Turkey from entering into Euro ?   No Matter how low the Muslim stoops to please the West, never will they be pleased…Therefore rightly,Turkey is returning to Islam, faster than Janab Khushwant Singh can anticipate. The moral of the issue  of Turkey and Hijab is simple : one is Qur’anic and other is a local saying :

 First from Qur’an : Never will the Jews and the Christians ( Europe US and NATO) be happy with you unless you obey their community…. Surah Baqarah ch 2 verse 120.

   The second one from a local saying : If a crow ties the feather of a peacock  it will be rejected by the peacock community as well as by the crows……

 Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-edicational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

Taken From-FB

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