Friday, December 2, 2011

Are You a Fan or a Devotee ?The Cult of Hero Worship

Are You a Fan or a Devotee ?The Cult of Hero Worship

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Friday, November 25, 2011 at 9:37am

Some times back a new movie "Body Guard" featuring Bolly wood star Salman Khan , was released and the producers claimed to have collected almost two third of money in the first week itself. A movie reviewer wrote about the craze of Salman Khan. He asked a cab driver " How was the movie "? The driver raised his thumb along with a spark in his eyes "Fantastatic"..."What did you like in the Movie ?"...Salman Khan's entry !The way he walks on the screen!!!! The reviewer then commented " I realised that these are not the fans but devotees, they adore anything that their heroes do withuot questioning their own intellect.

Heroes and stars are the new gods of this age. Fans, audience, readers, viewers are upgraded as devotees. Godship and worships were never marketed before as they are marketed now. Image building has become a huge multi billion dollarsindustry. When stars from movies and sports are projected as super men even a small acheivement in public life spiced with blitzing publicity will gather a fan crowd around you. Your hair sprouting in all direction like that of a procupine will be a style, your torn jeans is no more a rag piece, your short height will be a boost to the moral of short people looking for high acheivements.. and they all begin to worship you without bowing to you. They dream about you, they eat what you eat, they want to spend how you spend.. They are your spiritual slaves, willing to do any thing to be like you.

The web of this cult appears stronger than a fortress, with the one who refuses to be a fan is counted as an orthodox, lagging behind. A terrible inferiority complex is injected in the veins of the youth when their girlfriends and boy friends compare them with these heroes. The danger gets more dangerous when the whole society swims in the current. The Qur'an speaks strongly against this form of human worship. There are three verses simultaniously referrring to hero worshipping and its consequences.

The verse number 165 of Surah al Baqarah begins with an announcement... And among the mankind, there are men who (for worship) others besides Allah as equal to Allah.. the verse continues describing a form of human worship...They love them (heroes, ideals) as they should love Allah...

The next verse is a scene of the day of judgment that describes the plight of the trendsetters and the trend followers. ..Then would those who are followed ( Trendsetters,adored, worshipped, admired) clear themselve who followed them...and they would see the penalty while all the relations between them will be cut off... at that time those who were the followers (devotees, trend followers..).

Verse number 167 describes the regret of these devotees... And those who followed would say : If only we had one more chance, we would clear ourselves of them as theyhave cleared themselves of us, thus Allah will show them their deeds (their crze, blind following) as regrets.....

Following a common trend is a common sickness in human society since ages. Surah Yunus highlights in two places ,the epedemic of following wrong trends...Verse 36....But most of them follow nothing but fancy and fancy can be of no avail against the truth.. verse 66.. They follow nothing but fancy, they do noting but lie...

The Arabic word is "Zann" which also means conjecture which has nothing to do with the truth.. Consider Super man, Batman Terminator , James Bond, Rambo..They do things which is not possible by human with above average strength, courage and skills. These are the Zanns of this age which come to our homes via dish antennas without invitations and be with our youth for hours every day, tutoring them false behaviours and ideologies and take them away from the truth to the world of "Zann" where practical life has not value..Trend Followers be aware...

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues to mould the thinking of young Muslims into Islamic manner....he can be reached at

Taken From

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