Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why Did The Imams Differ?

Why Did The Imams Differ?

By: Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah

This article is taken from the beginning of Shaikh ul-Islam's (r) treatise "Raf'-ul-Malaam  'an-il-A'immat-il-A'laam" (Removing the Harms from the Noble Imaams). In this treatise, the Shaikh  (ra) discusses the reasons why the famous and righteous Imaams, that are followed by the masses of  Muslims, differed in some issues and contradicted the established ahaadeeth of the Messenger of  Allaah (s) in some cases. He lists over ten reasons in the introduction of this treatise. However this  article only contains the first one. However, it is the most important one, as stated by Ibn Taimiyyah  (ra). And it is for this reason, as the Shaikh says, that many of the Imaam's opinions, that contradict  the Sunnah, can be explained and acknowledged. Thus, there is no deficiency on the part of our  scholars. Rather, they were rewarded in their correctness as well as in their errors. May Allaah have  mercy on them. The notes were taken from Zuhair Ash-Shaaweesh's comments and footnotes to this treatise, unless otherwise specified.

All praise is due to Allaah for His countless blessings. I bear witness that none has the right to be  worshipped except Allaah, He stands alone and with no partners, whether on His earth or in His  heavens. And I bear witness that Muhammad (s) is His slave, Messenger and the last of His prophets.  May Allaah send His eternal peace and continuous blessings upon him, his family and his companions  until the Day when we shall all meet Him. To proceed: 

It is binding upon the Muslims, after declaring loyalty to Allaah and his Messenger (s), to declare loyalty to the believers as is stated by the Qur'aan. This especially includes the scholars, for they are  the inheritors of the prophets. And they are the ones whom Allaah has given the status of bearing the  similitude of stars, throughwhich guidance is achieved in times of darkness, on land and on sea. The  Muslims of this nation have agreed upon their guidance and their knowledge.

Before the advent of our Prophet (s), the scholars of every nation were the worst of its people. But  this is not the case with the Muslims, for indeed their scholars are the best from among them. They  are the delegated successors of the Messenger r in regards to his nation and they are the ones who  revive what has been caused to die from his (s) Sunnah. It is through them that the Qur'aan is  established and through it, they are established. Through them the Qur'aan is articulated and through  it, they are articulated.

It must be known that there is not one scholar, who is accepted widely and willfully by the  ummah, that purposely intends to oppose the Messenger of Allaah (s) in any aspect of his (ra) Sunnah, whether  small or large. For indeed, they all agree on the obligation of following the Messenger r upon a firm  and certain understanding. They also agree that one can accept or reject the statement of any individual from mankind, except that of the Messenger of Allaah (s). [1]
Therefore when it is found that an opinion, held by one of them, contradicts an authentic  hadeeth,
there is no doubt that excuses must be made for him, in explanation to his abandoning of it. These
excuses can be divided into three
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1. The lack of his believing that the Prophet (s) said it
2. The lack of his believing that particular issue was affected by that statement
3. His belief that that ruling was abrogated
These three categories can be subdivided into numerous reasons:
The First Reason: The Hadith Did Not Reach Him
Anyone that does not have a hadeeth reach him is not responsible for being knowledgeable about its
obligation. Thus, if a hadeeth was not conveyed to him, and he formulated an opinion for that issue
based on either the apparentness of an obligating ayah, another hadeeth, the necessity of Qiyaas or the
need for Istishaab [2], then sometimes he may be in agreement with that  hadeeth and at other times he
may contradict it.
For the most part, it is due to this reason that many of the statements of the Salaf have gone in
contradiction to the reports mentioned in some ahaadeeth. For certainly, it is not possible for anyone
in this ummah to completely grasp (all) of the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (s).
The Prophet (s) would narrate hadeeth, issue religious verdicts, pass judgements or conduct other
matters, and whosoever was present there would hear him or see him. These people would then
convey that (information) to other groups or to just some individuals whom they would reach. So
knowledge of that affair would end up with whomsoever  Allaah willed, from the scholars among the
Sahaabah, the Taabi'een and those who came after them.
Then in another gathering, he s would again narrate hadeeth, issue religious verdicts, pass judgements
or conduct other matters. And some of the people that were absent from the first gathering would
witness it. They would then convey it to whomsoever they were able to convey it to. So these
individuals would possess some knowledge that those people did not and those people would possess
some knowledge that these individuals did not. And verily, the scholars among the Sahaabah and
those after them were only distinguished from one another due to who possessed more knowledge or
who bore its excellence. As for whether one single person can encompass all of the hadeeth of the
Messenger of Allaah (s), then this claim is impossible.
An example of this is seen in the rightly guided khaleefahs, who were the most knowledgeable of the
ummah concerning the affairs of the Messenger of Allaah (s), his Sunnah and his states of being. This
is especially so with Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (r) who never separated from the Prophet (s), whether he
(s) was present or on a journey. Rather, he was with him the majority of the time, even to the point
that he used to spend nights talking to him about the affairs of the Muslims. This goes the same for
'Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab (r), for the Prophet (s) would say many times:"Abu Bakr, 'Umar and I
entered" and "Abu Bakr, 'Umar and I left"
In spite of this, when Abu Bakr (r) was asked on the inheritance of the grandmother, he (r) said:
"There is nothing for you in the Book of Allaah nor have I learned of anything from the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allaah (s) that is for you. However, I will ask the people."So he asked them and Al
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Mugheerah Ibn Shu'bah (r) and Muhammad Ibn Maslamah (r) stood up and testified "that the Prophet
has given her a sixth (of the inheritance)." [3] This aspect of the Sunnah was conveyed to 'Imraan Ibn
Husain (r), also.
These three individuals were not equal to Abu Bakr nor to any of the other (four rightly guided)
khaleefahs in terms of knowledge. However, they were specifically characterized with knowledge of
this Sunnah of which its acting upon has been agreed on by the ummah.
Likewise, 'Umar (r) did not know the Sunnah for asking permission to enter a household, until he was
informed of it by Abu Moosaa Al-Asha'aree (r), who called on the Ansaar as witnesses. [5] This was
even though 'Umar (r) possessed more knowledge than the one who told him of this aspect of the
Also, 'Umar (r) did not know that a woman was supposed to inherit from her (deceased) husband's
blood money, but instead he held the opinion that the blood money belonged to the 'Aaqilah [6]. This
was until Ad-Dahhaak Ibn Sufyaan Al-Kulaabee, who was a leader of some Bedouin Arabs
(Al-Bawaadee) for the Messenger of Allaah (s), wrote to him and informed him that: "The Messenger
of Allaah (s) gave the wife of Ashyam Ad-Dabaabee, inheritance from the blood money of her
(deceased) husband." [7] So he abandoned his opinion in favor of that (hadeeth) and said: "Had we
not heard of this, we would have ruled in opposition to it."
Also, he t did not know the regulations of the Majoos in regards to their payment of the jizyah (money
tribute). This was until 'Abd-ur-Rahmaan Ibn 'Awf t informed him that the Messenger of Allaah r
said: "Treat them like the people of the House (Ka'bah)." [8]
And when 'Umar arrived at Sargh [9] and news reached him that there was a plague in  Shaam, he first
sought counsel from the Muhaajireen that were with him, then from the  Ansaar, then from the
Muslims that were present at the Conquest (of Makkah). Everyone of them advised him (r) according
to his own personal opinion and not one of them informed him of the Sunnah (in regards to this
situation). This was until 'Abd-ur-Rahmaan Ibn 'Awf (r) arrived and informed him of the Sunnah of
the Messenger of Allaah (s) concerning plagues and that he (s) said: "If it breaks out in a land while
you are in it, then do not leave from it by fleeing. And if you hear news that it has broken out in a
land, then do not go near it." [10]
And he (r) and Ibn 'Abbaas were reminded of what should be done when one has doubt in his prayer
as to whether or not he has broken his ablution. And the Sunnah for that affair was not conveyed to
him (r), until 'Abd-ur-Rahmaan Ibn 'Awf (r) informed him that the Prophet (s) would "Cast away all
doubts and work upon that which he was certain of." [11]
And one time 'Umar (r) was on a journey when a wind began to blow violently, so he began to say:
"Who will narrate to us a hadeeth concerning the wind?" Abu Hurairah (r) said: "News of this reached
me while I was in the last rows of people (on the journey), so I hurried my riding animal until I
reached him. Then I narrated to him, what the Prophet (s) commanded should be done at the time
when the wind is blowing."  [12]
In these instances, 'Umar did not have knowledge of these matters, until those who were not equal to
him in terms of knowledge, conveyed it to him. In other instances, the aspect of the Sunnah (which he
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did not know of) was not conveyed to him and so he ruled or gave a verdict in opposition to it. This is
such as when he gave a ruling concerning the blood tribute to be paid for the (loss of one's) fingers;
that they vary according to their uses. In spite of this, Abu Moosaa and Ibn 'Abbaas (r) , who were
much lower than him in knowledge, knew that the Prophet (s) said: "This and this are equal" meaning
the thumb and the little finger.  [13] This aspect of the Sunnah was also conveyed to Mu'awiyah (r)
during his leadership and so he judged according to it, and the Muslims found no other alternative but
to follow that. So this hadeeth was not a sign of deficiency in 'Umar (r) , for the hadeeth did not reach
Also, he (r) as well as his son 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Umar and other righteous people used to forbid the
muhrim (one in state of Ihraam) from putting on perfume, before going into the state of Ihraam and
before the Ifaadah to Makkah, after the casting of the pebbles at 'Aqabah. And the hadeeth of
'Aa'ishah did not reach them in which she said: "I perfumed the Messenger of Allaah (s) for the
occasion of his Ihraam before he performed it and for his hill (disembarking from the state of Ihraam),
before he did tawaaf (circumambulating)." [14]
Likewise, he used to command the one who was wearing  khuffs to wipe over them (during ablution),
even if he had sandals on, without restricting a fixed period of time for doing it. Many of the Salaf
followed him in that matter and they were not conveyed the  ahaadeeth in which the time period (for
its validity) is mentioned. And these ahaadeeth are authentically transmitted by some of the
companions who were not of equivalent status to him in knowledge. Furthermore, information on this
matter has been reported on the Messenger of Allaah (s) through numerous authentic narrations. [15]
The same goes for 'Uthmaan (r) for he did not possess knowledge that the woman whose husband
passed away was to complete her 'iddah (waiting period) in her (deceased) husband's home. This was
until he heard the hadeeth of Furai'ah Bint Maalik, the sister of Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudree, in regards to
her situation when her husband died. And it was that the Prophet (s) told her: "Remain in your
(husband's) home until the fixed period of time has been completed." So 'Uthmaan (r) based his
opinion on this (hadeeth). [16]
And one time he was given some hunting game, which was caught just for his purpose, as a gift. So
he was about to eat it, when 'Alee Ibn Abee Taalib (r) informed him that: "The Prophet (s) returned
some meat that was presented to him as a gift." [17]
Similarly, 'Alee (r) said: "Whenever I heard a statement (hadeeth) come from Allaah's Messenger (s),
Allaah benefited me with what He willed for me to benefit from it. However, when I heard a
statement come from anyone else, I would make him take an oath on it, so if he would swear on it to
me, I would then believe him. And once Abu Bakr related a hadeeth to me, and he spoke truthfully"
Then he (r) mentioned the famous hadeeth of the prayer of repentance." [18]
Also he, 'Ibn 'Abbaas and others declared the ruling that the woman whose husband dies while she
was pregnant, had to complete the longer of the two waiting periods. And the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allaah (s) concerning this matter in the case of Subai'ah Al-Aslamiyyah did not reach
them. For when her husband, Sa'ad Ibn Khaulah (r), died, the Prophet (s) ruled that"her waiting
period is to endure until she gives birth." [19]
Also, he (r) along with Zaid, Ibn 'Umar and others ruled that a women that is married to a man while
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being in another land, if her husband dies, that she receives no dowry. In this example, the Sunnah of
the Messenger of Allaah (s) concerning the case of Barwa' Bint Waashiq did not reach them. [20]
Discussion on this topic is extremely vast, such that the reports on the companions of the Messenger
of Allaah (s) concerning it are numerous and many. As for the reports concerning its occurrence with
other than them, from those who came after them, then taking account of all of them is impossible,
for verily they reach the level of thousands. And it must be kept in mind that these four companions
were the most knowledgeable, the most understanding, the most submissive and fearing, as well as
the most virtuous from the entire ummah. And those who came after them are much lower than them
in this regard, thus, it is more likely that some aspects of the Sunnah would be unknown to them. And
this needs no explanation.
So whoever believes that every hadeeth that was conveyed to one of the Imaams or to one specific
Imaam, is authentic, then he is mistaken. And that is a vile and detestable mistake.
And no one should say: "Indeed (all) the hadeeth were transcribed in books and collected, so how
could it be hidden from anyone?" This statement is far from correct for indeed these transcription of
ahaadeeth, which are well-known in the books of Sunnah, were only collected after the death and
disappearance of these Imaams whom are followed by the people, may Allaah have mercy on them. In
spite of this, it is not permissible for it to be claimed that all of the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah
(s) are limited to certain specified books. And even if one were to limit all of the hadeeth of the
Messenger of Allaah (s) to such, then still, everything that was in these books was not known to a
scholar, nor can this be attained by anyone. Rather there would be with one man, many records of
transcribed ahaadeeth and he would not be able to grasp all that was in them. Rather, the ones who
existed before these books of transcribed ahaadeeth were collected, were much more knowledgeable
of the Sunnah than those who came after them. This is because a lot of what was conveyed to them
and considered authentic in their opinion, did not reach us except with a narrator that was unknown
or with a cut chain of narration or it was not conveyed to us in its complete form. Thus the place
where they would transcribe the ahaadeeth was in their hearts and there would be vast amounts of
these recorded transcriptions held within them. This is one matter from the knowledge of legal
rulings, of which there is no doubt.
And no one should say: "Anyone that doesn't know all of the ahaadeeth cannot be a mujtahid." This is
because if it were a condition for a mujtahid to have knowledge of everything that the Prophet (s) said
and did concerning matters related to rulings, then this ummah would never see this type of mujtahid.
Indeed, the extent of a scholar is only: that he knows a majority or a great part of theahaadeeth, such
that there does not remain anything unknown to him except for a few cases from the general whole. It
is only then that these few cases from the general whole (that are unknown to him), can oppose what
has reached and been conveyed to him from knowledge.

1.This is a saying that can be attributed to the Salaf, among them Imaam Maalik (ra).

2. Translators note: This term refers to the deducing of a verdict based on the lack of there being any evidence to forbid it. This applies to only matters outside the field of belief and worship, such as business, family and social affairs. And Allaah knows best.

3. Al-Albaanee said in Irwaa-ul-Ghaleel (no. 1680): "It is reported by Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhee from the hadeeth of Qabeesah Ibn Dhu'aib in mursal form. It has different paths of narration that are all mursal, including the hadeeth of 'Imraan Ibn Husain."

5. Reported by Al-Bukhaaree in his Saheeh from Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudree (r). See Fath-ul-Baaree (11/43).

Translators Note: A group of people that saw to it that the blood money was properly dispersed and Allaah knows best.

7. Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhee, who said it was a hasan saheeh hadeeth. See Irwaa-ul-Ghaleel (no. 2649)

Ash-Shaafi'ee reported it in his Musnad in mursal form and it has other paths of narration in mursal form with this same wording. Ahmad, Al-Bukhaaree, Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhee reported from  'Umar (r) that: "He would not collect the jizyah (money tribute) from the Majoos until  'Abd-ur-Rahmaan Ibn 'Awf (r) bore witness that the Messenger of Allaah (s) took it from the Majoos of Hajr."

This is an area of land located in the last parts of Shaam and the first parts of Hijaaz, between Al-Mugheetha and Tabook.

Reported by Ahmad, Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim from 'Abd-ur-Rahmaan Ibn 'Awf (r)

11. Al-Albaanee said: "Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhee reported it, however it is from Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudree (r). As for the report of 'Abd-ur-Rahmaan Ibn 'Awf (r), then Ahmad, At-Tirmidhee and Ibn Maajah reported it with the wording: "If one of you should get doubt in his prayer, such that he does not know if he has prayed one or two (raka'ahs), then he should make it one..." And there is no mention of "casting away the doubts" and "building upon what one is certain of" as has been stated by the author, may Allaah have mercy on him.

12. Al-Albaanee said: "It is that which Muslim has reported in his Saheeh from 'Aa'ishah t that she said: "When the wind would blow violently, the Prophet (s) would say: "O Allaah, I ask You for the good of it, the good of what is found in it and the good of what You send with it. And I seek refuge in You from the evil of it, the evil of what is found in it and the evil of what You send with it." And it is what Abu Dawood and Ibn Maajah have reported on Abu Hurairah (r) that he heard the Messenger of Allaah (s) say:"The wind is form the spirit (rooh) of Allaah. It comes with mercy and it comes with punishment. So if you see it, then do not revile it. But (instead) ask Allaah for the good of it and seek refuge in Allaah from the evil of it." And it is a hasan saheeh hadeeth as has been stated by Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr (ra).รข"

Reported by Al-Bukhari, Abu Dawood, Ibn Maajah and An-Nasaa'ee from Ibn 'Abbaas (r)

14. An agreed upon hadeeth (i.e. reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim).

15. Al-Albaanee said: "Ahmad and Muslim reported it from the hadeeth of 'Alee (r). And Ahmad, Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhee reported it form the hadeeth of Khuzaimah Ibn Thaabit (r). And it has  been reported from the hadeeth of Safwaan Ibn 'Assaal t by An-Nasaa'ee, At-Tirmidhee and Ibn Khuzaimah, and the last two authenticated it. Ad-Daaraqutnee reported it and authenticated it, as did  Ibn Khuzaimah from the hadeeth of Abu Bakrah (r). These ahaadeeth provide evidence for the time  period of wiping over the footwear, which is one day and one night for the resident and three days  and three nights for the traveler. At-Tirmidhee said: "This is the opinion of the scholars from the  Companions of the Prophet r as well as those that came after them from the Fuqahaa. "

The compilers of the Sunans reported this and At-Tirmidhee, Ibn Hibbaan, Al-Haakim and others authenticated it. It is from the hadeeth of Furai'ah Bint  Maalik (r). See Al-Musnad (6/370).

17. Reported by Ahmad in Al-Musnad (1/100 & 104)

18. Al-Albaanee said:"Ahmad, Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhee and Ibn Maajah reported that Abu Bakr (r) heard the Messenger ofAllaah (s) say: "There is no person that commits a sin, then performs ablution and perfects his ablution. Then he prays two raka'ahs and thereafter asks Allaah for forgiveness, except that Allaah will forgive him." Then he (s) recited this ayah: 'And those who when they commit evil acts or they wrong themselves, remember Allaah and ask forgiveness for their sins. And who forgives sins, except Allaah. And they do not persist on what they do, while knowingly. These are the ones whose reward will be forgiveness from their Lord and gardens under which rivers flow, to abide therein forever. And how great is the reward of those who do (good) deeds.'"[Surah Aali 'Imraan 135-136] Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr said that this hadeeth has a good chain of narration."

Reported by Al-Bukhaaree, Muslim, Abu Dawood and Ibn Maajah with close and similar

Reported by Imaam Ahmad and the compilers of the Sunans. At-Tirmidhee authenticated it. And  her husband was Hilaal Ibn Murrah Al-Ashja'ee.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Refuting the Rejectors of Hadith : A Field to Specialize

Refuting the Rejectors of Hadith : A Field to Specialize

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Sunday, August 21, 2011 at 4:57pm
Many people have a negative attitude towards the hadith and they think or are made to think that due to differences in hadith there are various sects among Muslims. So they think that Qur'an is enough for the guidance and hadith are not required.

   A visitor,once, bought a young man to me  and introduced him as "Munkare e Hadith". The man intervened and said  "Sorry I am Ahl e Qur'an " I asked him "Do you pray five times?" he replied," No, only three times, as the Qur'an does not speak about five times" I proceeded further , "Tell me how do you pray ?" He replied, " I pray the way I want to pray " Allah says PRAY  so I pray " "Fine", I said," Do you give zakat after salah ? " I asked. He was amused, " No. Zakat at times means charity and at times means to purify zakiyya so I get my self purified." I told him, " Look my friend, the Qur'anic verse says " aqimoossalaat wa aatuzzakat... establish your salah and give your zakah.. now if you say zakat means charity then immediately after salah you must give your zakat  other wise you have not implemented the whole verse but only a half of it.. and if you say zakah means purifying then you pray salah first and then perform wudhoo !!!" The discussion ended as he promised to come back after more research and he has never come back.

 The rejectors of the Hadith can be put iinto various categories. There is one more group among these people who claim that they reject only those hadith which contradicts the common sense. Another group claim that they reject many hadith from Sahiah Al Bukhari.  A group of such people visited us once and we had a healthy discussion ending up with a promise of more discussion , never to come back.  The rejctors of hadith are playing into the hands of those vested interest who want to wipe out Islam. It happened with the previous Ummah and they lost the touch with the book of Allah.

What is hadith? Hadith is a collection of the narrations of the Prophet (pbuh) in which his commands, his actions and his approvals are compiled. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) happens to be the only person in the history of mankind whose actions, commands, approvals.. entire lifestyle is preserved in the books. How he walked and how he talked and how broad his lips went when he laughed , all is preserved. Preservation of Hadith is a preservation of the  Implementation of Qur'anic injunctions. 

  Some enemies of Islam think that if you want to dilute Islam then remove the sunnah from the culture of the Muslims and automatically they will dissappear and disintegrate into fractions uncountable. This is true, because it is the sunnah of the Prophet that binds the Muslims together as a community and gives a universal picture of united Muslims, irresepctive of region , language or country they stay in. Take only two examples , one of the beard and other of the  hijab. these two noble traditions of Islam are  identifications of a Muslim. The world know Muslims easily if they sport a beard or a woman, if she wears a hijab. In the same way the rest of the traditions too.. You can include the jumuah salah or the Iftar and many things of the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh ) which comes from the Hadith. Infact the entire Islam is seen because of the Sunnah in the life of the Muslims, because the life of the Prophet (pbuh) was nothing but actions according ot the Qur'an. Just substract Sunnah from the life of the Muslims, you cannot even identify a Muslim. 

  Since more fitnah of Munkar e Hadith are coming up these days I feel that some youth who are enthusiastic to do da'wah can take up defending the Hadith as super specialized subject and can do wonders like how Shaikh Ahmed Deedat has done wonders in 'Islam and Christianity' and Dr Zakir Naik has done in the field of comparitive religion. In every age when ever some or other person came up with allegations against Islam, Allah too appointed his own warriors in the field of Academics to defend his deen .. Inshallah let us see who is the next Da'ee of the century.. most probably it can be some one who raises up the issue of defending the Sahih Hadith and refuting all the allegations of Munkar e Hadith...

Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on Islamic Issues. He can be reached at

Taken From

Friday, August 19, 2011

Glamorization of Crime and Obscenity

Glamorization of Crime and Obscenity

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 11:44am


Two years back  a grue some murder dominated the Nationa
newspapers of India. A navy officer flew at midnight hour from a city around 1500 miles from Mumbai and landed up  at his girlfriend's flat. He caught her with another man who was an executive in a local media.  As per the reports, the two men+ got into a fight and the navy man stabbed the boyfriend killing him.. the cruel story did not end here. The killer cut his body into pieces and packed in a bag and threw it away.

     Now a producer from Bollywood is going ahead with the love story and has almost completed his movie. But naturally the movie will have songs, romance and everything that attracts audience. Inother words a gruesome crime will be decorated with music songs and good looking actors and the murder will be beautified with masculine men indulging into fights. 

    Long back in April 27, 1959 a "crime of passion" sent shockwaves rippling through Bombay. A Navy commander Nanavati shot dead Prem Ahuja, a businessman and a philandering high society playboy Nanavati's who was  alluring English wife Sylvia. Play boy, in a modest man's language is a fornicator who corrupts other men's wives, and daughters and then goes away looking other prey. Within few years a director from Bollywood made  a movie on the love triangle and it was beautified with songs and romance to attract the audience. 

    After all, movies are not made to serve society but to fill pockets of the producers. As Mahesh Bhatt once said, " we are shopkeeprs of entertainment, we keep those goods that are in demand....

   When crime and fornication is glamorized and presented  to the masses then it helps promotion of crime and immodesty in the society. There was a movie on underworld dons and mafia and one of the song had "maar de goli bheje mein" (hit the bullet in his brain) the message is a violent one but it passed away as an entertaining song with many young school boys finding it good to hear and murmur. A boy in Mumbai arrested for stealing a motor bike confessed before the Police that it was the movie " Dhoom II " that inspired him to steal bikes...

   The best way or a ready made kit to corrupt a society is to introduce a popular character as a criminal or fornicator and market him as a mass promotion product.... people will not object because everybody sees it as an entertainment. Through entertainment every bad thing including smoking has been promoted to a mass level. Some one should ask the Governments that if they ban smoking why not adultery and crimes in movies too? 

   Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educatinal issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

Taken From

Spring in Tunisia, Egypt, India....but Autumn in US and UK

Spring in Tunisia, Egypt, India....but Autumn in US and UK

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 12:02am

Former US President George Bush once remarked that the growing prosperity of India’s large middle class is contributing to rising food prices around the world.He said “So, for example, just as an interesting thought for you, there are 350 million people in India who are classified as middle class. That’s bigger than America. Their middle class is larger than our entire population.”  

  The Americans who have spoiled the spending habits of the world are suddenly realising that  their own wealth is beign robbed. Who robbed the wealth of the Americans? Indians Chinese Arabs? No, their own bankers and others...

  Infact it is the buying capacity of the Indians and the Pakistanis that sustains US economy. Look at the sales  statistics of Adidas, Levis, Nike Reebock... Indians drink, on average, nine servings of Coke products per year. Few years back there was an agitation in India in which it was alleged that the 68 Cola plants in India has caused a water shortage in many parts of India? In Varanasi, alone, Coke draws an estimated 158,503 gallons a day. In fact the Colas have a market of 300 millions of middle class Indian, incidentally equivalent to US population. 

   The huge anti corruption waves continue to swell across the world and the spring that breezed from Tunisia has reached the Indian in the form of a storm. Anna Hazare, for those who don’t know him, is the man who is responsible for giving the R. T.I. The Right to Information, to Indians. It is through this RTI that the cases of Gujarat riots got spun into a fireball for the authorities and caught some atrocious top policemen and politicians into the web of law.

  Meanwhile there is no spring in the Unites States and United Kingdom. Infact  they are going through an Autumn. The downfall of the Dollar reminds me of.. Humpty Dumpty  sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.. all the President’s men and all the President’s policies could not put Humpty Dumpty together again.....The value of American Dollar value and American values of life both are  falling like leaves in Autumn. Who robbed the wealth of the Americans? Indians Chinese Arabs? No, their own bankers and others...Same is about UK… the recent riots on the streets of London with people breaking open the supermarkets and walking out with goods resembled a scene from the streets of poor African Nations.

   Compare the behaviour of the Two sides... the Africans and the Indians did not riot or break and steal the  stores and goods but they stood silently against their governments whereas the Englishmen!!.....

  The Media rightly says: Spring in Tunisia and Egypt... and August Kranti in India...... but why are they silent on the Autumn of US and UK ? 

Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at nisaar_yusuf@yahoo

Taken From


(for greeting the masjid when we enter it).

Sahih Muslim 
Bk 4, Number 1901:
Jabir b. 'Abdullah said that the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) delivered the sermon and said: When any one of you comes for the Friday (prayer) and the Imam comes out (from his apartment), (even then) should observe two rak'ahs (of

Bk 4, Number 1902:
Jabir reported that Sulaik Ghatafani came on Friday (for prayer) while the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was sitting on the pulpit. Sulaik also sat down before observing prayer. The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him)
said: Have you observed two rak'ahs? He said: No. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Stand and observe them.

Bk 4, Number 1903:
Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported: Sulaik Ghatafani came on Friday when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was delivering the sermon. He (Sulaik) sat down. He (the Holy Prophet) said to him: 0 Sulaik I stand and observe two rak'ahs and make them short, and then said: When any one of you comes on Friday, while the Imam delivers the sermon, he should observe two rak'ahs and should make them short.

Enquired about this from a person of knowledge and got the following Reply....

This is 2 rakah prayer for greeting the masjid when you enter it.. It's called Tahhiyyat ul masjid.

When you enter any mosque, you shd pray these and then sit. Or if you have to pray Sunnah prayers before fardh prayers (like Fajr, Dhuhr) then you can combine the intentions with tahhiyyat ul masjid InshaAllah (And Allah knows best).

In Friday prayer, you shd pray 2 rakah salah before sitting down as it's clear from this hadeeth you have quoted to me. And the Ulema say, THESE PRAYERS HAVE TO BE PRAYED WHETHER YOU REACH MASJID BEFORE KHUTBA OR AFTER KHUTBA.

And Allah knows best.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ahlan Dubai.. Sahlan Dubai..

Ahlan Dubai.. Sahlan Dubai..

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 11:28am


I met Dubai after 20 years. There is a face lift of Dubai as if the city has undergone a  cosmetic surgery  with cement, marbles, colourful glass panes applied on the face of the city , giving it  younger and a colourful appearance.. no two buildings look alike.. neither the elevation nor the colour of the glass nor the stones cemented on the exterior walls of tall buildings. The building that was amongst the tallest in Dubai, twenty years ago, stands like a dwarf besides a crowd of taller buildings around it, three times taller than it.

   When it comes to heights, Dubai stands tallest even in Da'wah..pessimists say 2000 people a year revert to Islam... optimists put the figure upto 5000- 6000.  Take Dubai as a city and not as a country...with a population of around one and half million, the figure of reverts is higher if you consider the ratio of population.....City wise, perhaps highest in the world !!!

   Dubai's commerce is invaded by the Philippine expats, from airports to malls including  Starred Hotels, they are found every  where... and now Islam  marches into the hearts of these Philippinos..making them one of the largest communities who embrace Islam. They are invited to almost every Daw'ah seminars and they respond it with their polite soft smile and listen attentively ...

   The Keralites from India armed with the Hyderabadi volunteers, are forefront in Da'wah. They say Malyalam is the second language of UAE. Whatever it may be but when it comes to Da'wah and Islah Malyalam breaks the barriers of languages and remains forefront, an example of how to use your influence and wealth in the way of Allah...

   A large number of Da'wah and Islah centers in Dubai, some of them under the patronage of the Royal family, are doing a recommendable job. Many expats have taken up Da'wah and Islah as a passionate hobby dedicating time to work on the hearts and the minds of the people instead of loitering in Alice in Wonderland like city during their free time. Some of them have grown up as public speakers in Local Da'wah centers, while some grass root level volunteers and others very good in event organising activities. 

   Dubai is a city of festivals but there is also Islam which is being celebrated in the seminars, in bookshops, in the streets and market where bearded men from Baluchistan and Mumbai lower their gaze while adressing the female costumers and visitors.. Truely no one can suppress Islam even in the city like Dubai..

  Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala writes and speaks on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at

The Discredited Credit Card and the American Economic Down fall....

The Discredited Credit Card and the American Economic Down fall....

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 1:37pm

A couple of decades back there was a time when an Indian or a Pakistani returning from America was considered to be a big man with a high status. Mothers used to rush to them with their daughters' proposals. Today the situation is rotated.. an 'America returned'  is a liability, either he has lost his job or wealth !!!

   Last week has seen the fall of not only the share index in ' Wall Street ' but along with it  the American reputation of being a financial giant has also taken a deep dive. I read Paul Krigman, noted American writer on current financial issues and I agree with his reasons for the down fall of American economy. The Americans have over spent their wealth, more than they can earn. In a simple man's language, their expenditure is based upon their hopes of the money that they are going to earn tomorrow. So, enters the credit card culture.. people having multiple credit cards, spending more than their income, flying to luxurious holidays, eating in expensive restaurants.....Now the economy is done with, exhausted of their spending capacity returning their loans amidst nightmares  of job insecurities, they are unable to spend money and when a whole nation refuses to put their hands in their pockets to spend then it is comes like a strong slap on the face of the economy which for a time being, looks pinkish and reddish. 

 The latest statistics from the Federal Reserve indicate that the total amount of consumer debt outstanding remained fairly steady in 2010.  The total amount of consumer debt in the United States stands at nearly $2.4 trillion.  Based on the 2010 Census statistics, that works out to be nearly $7,800 in debt for every man, woman and child that lives here in the U.S.

If you're saying to yourself - that that statistic doesn't seem quite so bad - keep this in mind:  We're talking about consumer credit, which does not include debt secured by real estate.  If you thought that number has debt associated with mortgages, it doesn't.

This data also tells us that Americans carried approximately $886 billion in credit card debt, and that number is expected to grow to a projected $1,177 billion by the end of 2010.  This works out to over $5,100 in credit card debt per cardholder (not household) and that number is expected to increase to over $6,500 by the end of 2010.According to information gathered by the US Census bureau, there were approximately 173 million credit card holders in the United States in 2006, and that number was projected to grow to 181 million Americans by the end of 2010.  These same Americans own approximately 1.5 billion cards, an average of nearly nine credit cards issued per credit card holder.(

 There are two things involved in this, first  the brotherhood with shaitan as Surah Isra says.. Extravagants are brothers of shaytan... and the second is 'a war with Allah and his Messenger for involving in Ribaa' (Surah bakarah ayah 278-279). Its time to throw away credit cards....

  Author : Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on soio-educational issues from Islamic perspective..He can be reached at


Grateful or Ungrateful ? Which Side of The Line Do You find Yourself?

Grateful or Ungrateful ? Which Side of The Line Do You find Yourself?

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Friday, August 5, 2011 at 5:42am
  'Shukr' means to acknowledge the obligations and thank, both the things are considered, just thanking is not enough but acknowledging the obligation is a real display of thanks. In Islamic shariah acknowledging the blessings of Allah and thank Him is counted as Ibadah,i.e. worship.

   The main purpose of the creation of man is to worship Allah and thanking Him for the blessings is one of the ways of worships. Consider this Qur’anic verse from Surah Nahl, ch 16, verse 78 : It is He who brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when you knew nothing: and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and affection so that you may give thanks…..

   Every Muslim thinks that he really thanks Allah for his blessings and never introspect his intensity of thankfulness. Most of us are carelessly thankful because if we put ourselves on the parameters of thankfulness most of us will fail to get even  an ‘F’ grade. The Qur’an has already given out the results of this test.  The results are fixed up in Surah Nahl, for us to read and find out if we are among the failures : And most of them are ungrateful….. In Surah Saba’… But only a few of my worshippers are grateful….Ask your selves “ Am I from the majority of ungrateful or a few ones of grateful….

     Ibn Hambal has quoted an incident in his Book : A Bedouin was sitting in the company of Caliph Umar.. al of a sudden the Bedouin exclaimed.. O Alllah ! make me among the few ones….. Umar r.a.  was astonished and reprimanded him for invoking such a supplication.. the villager insisted that he was not wrong and he recited the above verse…

    In Qur’anic terminology the opposite of shukr is kufr..i.e. ungratefulness to Allah’s blessings can lead to kufr. Surah al Baqarah…So Remember me and I will Remember you.. and be grateful to me and do not  do kufr (do not reject my blessings, do not be ungrateful). Note another important Qur’anic injunction in Surah Nahl verse 83: They recognize the  favours of Allah and then they deny them and most of them are ungrateful ( Kafiroon)

 Have you ever considered the number of dishes that we have on our table spread for Iftar and suhur? Even a poor man finds a variety of dishes some coming from his neighbours some at his home, some in the masjid if he breaks his fast even in a Masjid in a slum . Just count the number of dishes today itself…Then recall the following  verse from Surah Nahl verse 114

  So eat of the sustenance which Allah has provided for you , lawful and good, and be grateful for the favours of Allah if it is He whom you worship…

 Read the above verse again and note what Allah says : AND  BE GRATEFUL FOR THE FAVOURS OF ALLAH… How many times do we recite the supplication meant for thanking Allah after every meal ? Most of us don’t even know the supplications! Right? Just a small test it is to see which side of the line we belong to.. A few numbers of grateful or a majority of ungrateful ?

Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala writes and speaks on Islamic issues to motivate people to take up Islam as their ideal way of life.. He can be reached at

Stumbling Blocks in the Way of Marriages

Stumbling Blocks in the Way of Marriages

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at 1:12pm

 Two most important things around which the focus of many Muslim youth revolve are : Career and Marriage. They also happen to be the most confusing things of their life as they dont know how to go ahead and there are very few counsellors in these fields who can really counsel them from the Qur'an and the Hadith. So inorder to make it easy for them to understand the theme I rotate the priorities from Career and Marraige to Marriage and Career putting marriage before Career. Dont get a  happy shock. It is in the terms of responsiblity.

If you read Surah Nahl ch 16 verse 72 : Allah has made from you your mates and from your mates He makes chidren and 'hafadha' (delightful  offsprings) and provides you rizk from tayyab (good things) . Yet you believe in  baatil (falsehood) and reject the blessings of Allah? 

Have you considered the famous hadith  : The world is an transit comfort and the best comfort is a mominah wife  (pious and good natured).... Muslim 1467
 If you read the above Qur'anic verse and the hadith together you will realise that marriage is a blessings but our young people discard it , delay it and search for blessings on facebook profiles, in colleges and workplaces !!

    Many delayed marriages are a result of a stretched education after post graduation. Especially by young men. Many of them pass away their twenties and almost enter thrities yet you will find them chasing degrees after degrees and pursuing career and dreaming of becoming rich , with a house and a car before getting married ! Many of these young men think that marriage will be a stumbling block in estblishment of a career or higher education. 

  Those young people staying the West or cities like West e.g. Mumbai, Karachi, Dubai..get a lot of exposure to obscenity, the Non Muslims among them fulfil their desires through haram ways.. and this happens to  be one of their reason for avoiding marriage at the right age. Their arguements goes like this : If we can get  fun for free then why should we get married and get tied up to social and family responsiblities ? But what about the Muslims young men in these cities? Since they live in an Islamic environment they dont go for haram options like having affairs or relations out of wedlock.. so how do they attend their desires? 

  With young women it is little different. In a Western culture they are edcuated with a mental prepartion of life after divorce, long before marriage. They stay in an environment where her looks are graded and used as currency for prosperity.. they are independant because they they dont wont to be a house wife and undergo labour pain, run kitchen, check chidlren's home work while their husbands are freaking around with girls...So they too have affairs and divorces and go into live-in relations.. in other words. they use haram options... Then what about the Muslim women whose marriages are delayed? They have been brought up in a modest environment but their mariages are delayed due to her post graduation, lack of funds for marriage expenses and hunt for a rich guy..... What will they do ?

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said “If there comes to you with a proposal of marriage one with whose religious commitment and attitude you are pleased, then marry [your daughter or female relative under your care] to him, for if you do not do that, there will be fitnah (tribulation) on earth and widespread corruption.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1084; Ibn Maajah, 1967. Classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 1022. 

  This is  a hadith which many people may find hard to implement. We have made marriage very difficult and the reasons are.. just a few, some of them global and some borrowed from un Islamic cultures.

Author Nisaar Nadiadwala speaks and writes on socio-educational issues from Islamic perspective. He can be reached at