Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Corporate Touch on Da'wah: The Art of Persuading People

The Corporate Touch on Da'wah: The Art of Persuading People...

by Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 3:23pm

My friend Abdul Wahid  has been in sales for twenty years. He has worked with Eureka Fobes , one of the leading companies selling water purifier. He shared his training experience with me. “We were taught persuading skills and encouraged not to leave hopes even after hundreds of rejections.That training provided me a lot of patience and endurance required in the world of sales" the experienced sales man Abdul Wahid told me “ my first deal clicked after two months, till then I had to face door slamming and other forms of rejections…” 

   The majority of today’s leaders in business were in sales at one time or another? The selling skills they learned to make others feel welcome, comfortable, important, and to trust their expert advice has taken them far
Amongst the most similar things between sales and Da'wah, one  is ' both are tireless efforts in convincing  and  persuading people'

 Get going in spite of rejection

This reminds me about something similar that happens in Da’wah as well. Sales and Da’wah have many common things between them. Both the fields offer  lot of rejections before things get alright. How many "no's" are you willing to take before getting to the "yes I am ready to embrace Islam"?  If Noah (pbuh) can get going for 950 years what makes you puff in few days? World famous Sales trainer Zig Ziglar says... More than 75% of the sales deals are clicked after the fifth attempt but unfortunately more than one third of the sales people give up after fourth attempt.

Closing the sales : Invite your invitee to accept Islam! Don’t laugh this one off thinking you’d never forget that. A study was done years ago where people were asked why they didn't make a purchase after a product had been demonstrated to them. The most common answer was, "We were never asked!" Top professionals in sales know anywhere from five to 25 ways of asking for the final "yes." Those are called closes and if you're in sales to be successful, you'll want to start mastering as many as possible as soon as you can.Then why not in D'awah, the invitation to Islam? Even the Qur'an instructs the same thing   after presenting  various signs of Allah.... Af'la U'minoon?.. Will you not believe...?

 Da'wah is not a conversion but an invitation to worship your creator.So keep on inviting people without fearing rejection.After all you are inviting people to a solution to their problems.

You have what it takes to learn to get involved in your field. Just make the commitment and get on with it! Don't forget to pray for your success as well.

About  the Author : Nisaar Yusuf loves to groom and guide aspirant da'ees for his own Sawab e Jarriya. He can be reached at nisaar_yusuf@yahoo.com

Taken From

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