A letter to the people who ask their families to burn their bodies after their death.

The soul, think about it,,, the only real matter between a dead body and living human is the soul….as soon as the human died he becomes a new title (Corpse)!!!
You can find an old man with lots of kinds of disease but he still a life can enjoy testing good foods, fresh air and even the companion of women, and in the same time you can find a very good looking young man with a good body but he is dead, so he can not enjoy food or drink or women and not even fresh air... so the real thing that real matter is the soul, now need for a proof for such point!!!
Enough for any one to see a dead person and if that not an option or available, then simply go to the nearest cemetery and take a good look to where they take the dead people ….except for some people who think they are smart!!! They ask the others before they die to burn their bodies after their death, thinking they escape from the punishment of the CREATOR when they do that!!!!
A shallow Thinking, you forgot all about the soul your soul?!!! You never touched, you never new how to fix it from your greediness, rottenness and desires, and never could know how to control it, used always to ignore the right thing to do, so you lived your life as an animal and maybe worse by doing just what it made you happy and you did not care at that time if it is right or wrong (moral corruption) unscrupulous,,, and you just kept living like that till your time was up, and from your ignorant, you came with this idea (the only solution you could think of it (burn your body)!!!
Ok, but must know either you like it or not, it dose not really matter except for you, that your Creator, can and will get this body of yours back, why not? He is making every day millions of bodies like yours and more thing that required more power like forcing the sun, oceans, seas, wind, ground and whole universe to serve this weak creature “(human), or dose not they serve humans??? Or are humans stronger that the sun, oceans, seas, wind or mountains?!!!! So, the Creator will order the fire to get back what it burned, the wind what it took and as well the water,,, and will give you the most important thing back your soul, you will find your self back, yes the same ungrateful person, the loser, that person the word loser can not describe, how much you lost!!!
Everything …. for how long? For ever, is that what you want?
Think before it is too late, you never know when death will come for you.
Meaning of the Quran, Surah 19.
66. And man [i.e., the disbeliever] says, "When I have died, am I going to be brought forth alive?"
67. Does man not remember that We created him before, while he was nothing?
68. So by your Lord, We will surely gather them and the devils; then We will bring them to be present around Hell upon their knees.
By: Brother Taher
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